Chapter 4

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It was the next day.

Everything was going relatively normal, we had classes and then we went to lunch.

After lunch it all got way more exciting though.

I could hear the rest of my class talking to eachother when All Might appeared.


He did not enter like a normal person.

He explained what was going to happen, and told us that we were doing battle training.

"Go put on your hero costumes, and meet me outside!"

The class made its way to the change rooms and we all put on our hero costumes.

Once we all got outside I sweatdropped.

Some costumes were amazing looking but others...

What the fuck is Todoroki wearing?

All Might started talking again. "Today we are going to draw popsicle sticks to determine the teams."

One of my classmates spoke out about this but I didn't care enough to listen until All Might called us up to pick.

Team I.

I looked around to see the other person that was on my team.

Ojiro approached me and showed his popsicle stick.

"Are you also on Team I?"

I nodded and we started to plan what to do.

We were supposed to be against Todoroki and Shoji. It would be a difficult match but if we tryed hard enough we could win.

Bakugo and Midoriya were up first.

God I'm not excited to see how this one turns out.


It was a very intense match and Midoriya got badly injured. The hero team won though so I was happy for Uraraka and Midoriya.

It's time for my match.

Me and Ojiro went into the building and we started to get ready for the attack.

I could feel the air getting colder and noticed that the building was freezing. Me and Ojiros feet got stuck to the ground and Todoroki came into the room.

"There's no point in trying to escape. Not unless you want to fight without the skin on your feet." He said with an icey glare.

I got an idea and ripped my feet out from the ice.

Todoroki was in shock and looked at my feet noticing that a bunch of skin was gone and I was bleeding alot.

Ojiro gagged. "L/N why would you do that!?"

My pupils narrowed into slits and I prepared to strike.

In the blink of an eye I was infront of Todoroki with my hand positioned to punch him.

He was able to block my blow but still got blown back a bit.

I prepared to strike again when suddenly a wave of ice was sent towards me.

My eyes widen and I decided to light my blood on fire. The fire melted the ice before it hit me and I looked around for Todoroki to see that he was approaching the bomb.

I ran forward and tackled him away from it.

He gasped as his back hit the wall. I pinned him down and started to put the capture tape on him.

He struggled a bit but I was stronger and managed to get the tape onto him. After I propped him up on the wall I turned to Ojiro and used my blood to free him from the ice.

It didn't take long for us to find Shoji and capture him too.


Literally hate this chapter, but I needed to publish something lol

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