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Stress really wears one out. One can easily agree on this statement once they see me in this condition. I am literally surviving on two hours sleep and an empty stomach. Like almost empty if you don't count in a fruit bowl that Grace blackmailed me into having.

Past two weeks have literally taken every ounce of strength from my body. Bro, I kid you not, organising an event is no joke. You have a dozen of people to call and have to be present everywhere, everytime someone needs you.

Today is the last day of my torture as tonight is the fundraiser we are preparing for since last two weeks.

A number of successful entrepreneurs will be attending it so it was supposed to be grand. In a small budget. It is almost like fitting an elephant in a fridge.

"Audrey, just breathe through your nose!" Grace screeched loudly as she approached me across the hall.

"I am absolutely fine!" I retorted, rolling my eyeballs at her.

"Fine my ass! You were hyperventilating." She chewed hardly on her chewing gum as her eyes washed over my face.

She tsked in disapproval. "Girl, if you don't go back to your home right now, I swear you would be needing an ambulance to escort you no sooner!"

"Oh shut up! Don't overdo your concern for me. I am fine."

She leaned her face into my hair and took a sniff, " you smell bad." She bobbed her head up and down, her curly hair bouncing with the motion.

I gasped in offence,"Mind you I took a shower just this morning so probably it's your nose that needs to be fixed. And for the last time, I am fine!"

"Hey, hey girl! No need to go all wild on me. I was just suggesting....nevermind you do your thing and I will do mine. Just make sure you get yourself all dolled up for the event. Your puffy eyes and tanned arms will not give a good impression." Soon Grace sauntered away, getting herself busy in arranging the table and chairs for the dinner.

Well she was partly right. I cannot go like this. To be honest I do smell bad and I lied about showering this morning. Infact I haven't taken one in two days. So...that kinda made sense that I may smell like eggs.

I took a mental note that once I come back from instructing the chef on tonight's dinner, I will take a leave for home.

It's relatively hotter today or maybe it's just the heat of the kitchen that had me sweating like a bitch. It only heightened up my insecurity for my body. I absolutely despise being smelling this bad and I have absolutely no plan on meeting someone, drenched in sweat.

So I kicked the ass of this whole organiser thing and retreated back to my house. I took a quick shower and made myself something to eat. Once I was done, I quickly did all the dishes and literally tossed my body on the mattress. The moment it hit the plush cotton or whatever  material a mattress is made of, my body felt like I just had the best orgasm of my life and slipped into a deep sleep.

God I don't even remember the last time I had an orgasm!


I heard a loud pounding on the main door, but my body wasn't up to leave the comfort of my bed yet.

So I ignored it and snuggled deeper into my pillow.

A moment or two later, I felt ice cold water being splashed on my body which jolted me awake.

I sat up in the now damp sheets and rubbed my face to wipe off the droplets from it.

Spinning around, I glared right through the eyes of the intruder. An idiot looking Grace stood there, beaming at me, her pearly white teeth on display.

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