8. Goodbye

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'Kiss me', the words flew out of my mouth. Shawn looked from my eyes to my lips, he puts a stroke of my hair behind me ear. I felt my heart beating faster as he came closer, 'I've wanted this all night' Shawn whispers. Closely after he said that he close the gap between us and I felt his soft lips touching mine. First it was a really soft kiss, but fast after the kiss became more passionate. My hands went through his hair and, I felt one of his hands on my hip and the other one was on my cheek. My whole body felt special kissing with him.


I woke up by the sound of my alarm clock and I immediately sat straight. I shook my head, why did I dream about that? Looking across the room I noticed that I was in my own room. Then I remember falling a sl eep yesterday in Shawn's dressings room. I guess or Shawn or Mike has brought me home.

Then I remembered the conversation I had with Shawn, 'because I've fallen hard'. What does Shawn means with that. I tried to ignore the starting discussion in my head and unlocked my phone. I saw a message from Cameron.

Cameron: Can we meet at 1pm by my hotel? I would love to pick you up but I don't really know where you live.

I felt a smile form on my face.

You: Sure! I will see you at one!

Cameron: Great :)

I looked at the time saying 11 am, I guess I have to start getting ready. I will finish the article after the lunch with Cameron.

I hopped under the shower and washed my hair. Of course I gave a concert for all the shampoo's standing there, I mean how would they otherwise enjoy their day? I wouldn't like to be a shampoo, the only thing you would do in life is waiting in the supermarket till someone buys you, then you stand in a shower waiting to be used and when you're empty your thrown away with the trash. No thanks, being human doesn't sounds that bad compared to that.

When I'm done showering- and feeling bad for the way we treat our hair products, I go to my bedroom. I put on a purple dress, it's just simple. I also fixed my hair. When I'm done I walk downstairs, I see my little brother on the couch together with my dad.

'Damn looking good sis, what are you up to?' Johnny asks.

I smile at my little brother, sometimes he can be sweet, 'I'm going to have lunch with someone.' I say answering him.

My dad looks up, 'Is that someone that Shawn guy?' he asks me pulling one eyebrow up.

I shake my head, 'Nope, it's Cameron. You don't know him yet.' I say hoping he will just let it be.

My dad wants to speak up but Johnny is faster, 'So is it just lunching or is it a date?'

I shrug my shoulders, 'I'll find out soon, I got to go.' I say while walking to the front door.

I say bye before I walk through the door.

When I stood in front of the hotel I texted Cameron that I was there. He texted back that he would come down in a minute. I was a bit early so it didn't surprised me he wasn't ready yet. I saw a small bench and decided to sit on it while waiting.

'Sarah?' I heard a well known voice saying from behind me. I turned around to see Shawn walking up to me, 'What are you doing here?' he asks.

I smile at him, 'I'm waiting for Cameron, he also stays here remember.'

'Ah' Shawn says.

Behind Shawn I also see the rest of the crew coming out of the building.

'So what are you guys up to?' I ask.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2023 ⏰

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