4. I miss her

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'I met a really hot guy yesterday' I explain to Audrey when we're sitting at her couch not really doing anything. Audrey looks up from her phone.

'You met a hot guy? I thought you were picking up Mike from the airport' Audrey asks me not really knowing what was going on. 

'Yes a hot and sweet guy, actually his birthday is tomorrow and he invited me and a friend to come' I tell her. For once I got the interesting story. Don't get me wrong, but normally it's Audrey with the life stories and now for once in a life time I can share my adventures with her.

'Sweet and hot ha? Does Sarah has a little crush?' Audrey asks doing that weird thing with her eyebrows. You know that thing when she thinks of something dirty. I don't like it when Audrey thinks of something dirty though.

'Yes hot and sweet and no I don't have a crush, he is just nice and I don't even know him that good.' I say back at her, trying to confess myself that I have zero feelings for Shawn. Maybe I build up some feelings, but that isn't possible since I've only known him for a couple o hours. 

'So you don't mind if I make any move on him at his birthday party?' Audrey asks. 

I shake my head, 'Not a little bit, do what you want to do with him. But who said I would bring you with me?' 

'I did cause without me you probably wouldn't even be partying but you would just stand on the side.' Audrey has a point there.. Why does she knows me this good? It is annoying. Sometimes I forget why I have to tell her anything, but then I remind me that she is my best friend and that she needs to know everything about me, so that when I'm sad there is someone in the world who knows the secret way to cheer me up. That kids is why we tell our best friends everything. 

Here I am watching my best friends soccer game, you wouldn't expect that from Audrey that she plays soccer. She is really good actually. If you're wondering why I'm watching and not being on the field beside her. Yeah well, I'm not quite the sport person, I'm more the support person. The "up" between the "s" and the "p" is the difference between being healthy and being a McDonald's lover. Ps I'm the McDonald's lover, I'm just saying in case you didn't caught up my hinds. I just don't like running, not that I have ever tried. I mean I can kick against a ball, but I don't feel like that the ball likes me though. It most times end up at my head instead of at my feet. 

'Go run Audrey! Learn that ball a lesson! Even though the ball didn't did something wrong!' I scream cheering her. I'm such a good best friends. Who doesn't wants me as best friend? I'm such a supportive friend. 

'Hey Sarah' a cute boy voice says from behind me, but exactly at that moment Audrey has the ball. I hold up my hand to the boy and tell him to wait one little moment before I start to scream.

'Yeah go Audrey!! That's my girl!' I turn around to the boy after I did my little scream moment. That's the nice thing about being a supporter you're allowed to scream and nobody cares. However when I check the boy in front of me I almost forget to breathe, 'hi Austin.' 

Austin chuckles, wait did I do that? Or not? Do I have something on my face? I don't like this situation. 'You're funny how you scream to Audrey' Austin continues. DID YOU HEAR THAT, I'M FUNNY. This is what I call crushing on a boy, it's just a small crush believe me I'm totally controlling this situation.

'You're also can be funny, I mean always, not that you're always funny cause there are also moments in life that you need to be serieus, I'm not saying that you're always serieus- you know what never mind I can't save my self out of the mess I just created' I say way to fast. Maybe I'm not so good in controlling this damn situation. What do you expect me to do? Austin chuckles again, HA DID YOU SEE THAT, I'm so in control of this shit.

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