2. Visitingday

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We're walking to my grandmothers front door, my dad thought it would be nice to visit her. In this whole plan he forgot that my grandmother can be a little...how do you call it? Old-schooled I don't know if that is the right word. Let's just say every time you go on you're phone she says 'In my time we didn't had phones and we talked to each other.' Well grandma I also talk to persons but just not to the persons in this room. But hey we need to respect the elderly. 

'Oh Sarah you've grown so much since last time I saw you' she says at that grandma tone. 'We saw each other a week ago?' I say wondering if she's losing her memory. 'And you still didn't learned manners' She says at a mean tone. I told you my grandma and I aren't really the best friends. I walk inside and I go sit on the couch, this is gonna be a long day. 
I'm looking around the house, it has a cold look. Maybe it is because my grandmother lives her alone all by her self or maybe it is because she is a cold person. I don't know what happened to my grandfather. My grandma doesn't talks often about him. I wonder how he was and if I look like him. My dad told me once that Dean really looks like him. I wonder how this house would be if he was still with us here. You can't mis a person you never met, but I do mis the feeling of knowing him. 

My dad looks with mercy in his eyes to the place were Johnny, Dean and I are sitting. He knows we don't like this and I'm gonna make sure he's gonna regret that he brought us here. 'Grandmother you don't talk often about how dad was at our age, do you have some nice stories?' I ask. My dad gives me a "oh no" look. Now my friends the fun begins. My grandma starts to tell full of joy all kind of stories about my dad. 'Why aren't you three gonna get an ice cream?' My dad says while taking his wallet out. 'I don't listen to that offer two times' Dean says while he walks to dad for the money.

Here we are now standing in a row waiting to order our ice creams. 'Sarah I want strawberry and chocolate flavour', Johnny says. 'Don't you want to order by your self?' I ask confused, but before I know it he is walking up to a girl. 'I thought he said he had a girlfriend?' I ask Dean. 'Yeah uhm I want the same as Dean here you got the money' he says not really paying attention to me and walks of to Johnny. Then I notice the older girl standing next to the girl Johnny is talking to. My family is so hopeless. 

'She told me she likes me' Johnny says when we're on our way back to our grandmothers house. 'You already have a girlfriend' I tell Johnny. Johnny shrugs his shoulders, 'I don't care this one is cuter.' Someone needs to learn this  boy some manners and since Dean doesn't anything  I need to do it. 'Don't you think you will really hurt the other girls feelings?' I ask. Johnny looks at me like I just said something in chinees, 'Feelings are for babies that's what Dean told me.' I look mad at Dean. Dean just lift up his shoulders, 'I learned it from dad.' Sometimes I really am wondering what I am doing in this family. 

My dad helps my grandmother with cleaning up. I don't now if I should go help them or not. When I do they will scream at me that I'm doing it wrong, but when I don't do it they will  scream at me that I'm only si- 'Sarah maybe it would be nice to help us instead of just sitting there' my grandma says. I swear I can get crazy of this human sometimes, but if she wasn't born I wasn't born so I'm glad she is in this world.
I stand up from the couch and help with cleaning. 'Sarah do you want to bring this upstairs?' my dad asks and gives me a picture frame. Without really looking at it I take it with me upstairs. When I'm upstairs I see that the picture is an old photo of me. I was three and we were at holidays in Vancouver, the ice cream was all over my face. A small smile grows on my face. I read the small text under the post:

Your dad gave you your first ice cream

I ty to keep in my tears when I read the small text written in a beautiful handwriting. I hear my dad scream my name from down stairs. Fast I lay down the picture frame and I go downstairs. 

'Dad?' I aks when we're back in the car. 'yeah?' my dad answers focusing at the road. 'Can we once visit grandpa's grave?' I ask reminding me my thoughts of earlier today. I never visited that place, cause I never really thought about it. My dad's face turns to an emotion I can't explain, it's a mixture of confuseness and sadness. 'Sarah you need to know that you're grandfather has never found, one day he just went missing' he says. 'So there's a chance he is still a life?' I aks hopeful. My dad shakes his head, 'He went missing twenty years ago, nobody ever found him, you can consume he is dead.' My dad says stopping the conversation. I look out the window for the rest of the road. I always do that when we're driving. Just watching the landscapes passing by.

When we come home I go upstairs. I need a little me time. Tomorrow Mike comes and I'm not mental prepared to see my cousin again. Just as I wanted to lay down on my bed and just lay there my phone starts to buzz like crazy. Ugh I take my phone to look who in the world needs my attention. Like expected it's Audrey.

Audrey: SARAH

U: Wowow chill spammer
U: What's going on?

Audrey: I want you to come to my house 
Audrey: Like right now

U: But... 
U: .....
U: Sleep.

Audrey: As if you know what that is
Audrey: Now leave you're ass from that couch and come to my place

U: *bed*

Audrey: I don't care xx

U: ugh omw

And so I left my bed, my poor bed who was already alone the whole day and now I leave her again. I will be back soon bed, I promise or maybe not cause you never know with Audrey. There is a chance I don't survive this night. 
'I'm going to Audrey's I say when I walk down the stairs and walk straight to the door, 'I will be back at eleven bye' I say leaving the house. I walk to my bike, yes bike, I don't have money for a car nor a driving license. I cycle to Audrey's house, it's a fifteen minutes ride. When I'm at her place I'm tired as hack. I really need to do a sport, nah to lazy. However I knock on the door and Audrey opens it almost instantly, 'Finally why did that take you so long?' she asks. 'Well sorry that I can't teleport.' I answer sarcastic back. She shook her head, 'it doesn't matter you're here now and that counts.' we walk to the livingroom. Her parents are out with some friends and since her sister is in LA she got the house for her self tonight.
'So what was the emergency?' I ask her when we sit on the couch. She takes a sip of her drink before answering me, 'I heard from baily that Austin is planning on asking you out.' I look at her with an "are u serieus" face, 'you let me come to you're house to tell me this? Something that probably isn't even true?' I aks. 'Why shouldn't it be true?' Audrey aks me. 'Well Austin is hot like damn hot and I'm just ugly like damn ugly' I explain. 'You need to stop hating yourself like that, you're beautiful' Audrey tries to make me feel a little better. I nut at her, 'maybe and maybe not.' Audrey looks at me thoughtful, 'something is bothering you' she says. 'What no' I say. 'Sarah you can't lie to me.' she says. I roll my eyes 'it's not necessary' I say shrugging my shoulders giving the sign I don't want to talk about it.

'Omg there's this radio show where you can win tickets for Shawn Mendes.' Audrey says looking up from her phone. we sat for a while on the couch just talking about nothing important. 
'Omg so I can win free coffee for a week?' I say way to happy. Audrey rolls her eyes. 'I signed in' she says after a couple second of typing something on her phone. 'As if you ever gonna win the tickets. 'A girl can dream sometimes, did you ever heard a song from him?' Audrey says. 'uhm no why would I stalk some rando- damn he can sing!' I say when Audrey let me hear some of his music. 'I know right! So now you would like to win?' Audrey asks. I shrug my shoulders, 'nah I still don't like the idea of screaming girls. Audrey looks at me with an "are u for real" face 'you're unbelievable.'

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