5. fRiEnDs

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I woke up by the sun shining in my face. I tried to turn around when I accidentally hit a body. Then I remember that I lay right next to Shawn.

'sorry' My morning voice says. Shawn smiles a little.

'It's oke.'

Then it hit me, I need to work, oh god. I take my phone to check the time 10.27

'oh no Campbell is going to kill me!' I say while I jump out of the bed fixing my hair.

'Who is Campbell?' Shawn says now sitting right awake.

'It's my boss and I'm going to get fired', I say being in panic.

'I will drive you' Shawn says jumping out of bed and putting normal clothes on. He jumps in his shoes and get a hand through his hair. I also put fast my shoes on and we leave the hotel room door.

Looking out the window seeing cars passing by, I let sink in what happened. Memories from yesterday came back in my mind. I look over to Shawn realizing how thankful I am that I've met him. Maybe it was just a couple days ago, but I am thankful for it. Then it hit me.

'OH MY GOD HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHAWN' I scream. I almost forgot it by the rush we had to get to my stupid ass job. Now I feel guilty he had to wake up next to me at his birthday.

'thank you' Shawn say laughing, 'I almost forgot it by myself' Shawn said.

'That's not smart.' I say. Also laughing a little bit, 'thanks for last night.' I continue.

'It's oke and if you ever want to talk I'm all ear.' Shawn says. 'Maybe we shouldn't tell anybody that you were with me last night.'

'Yes, I don't want people to think there is something going on between us.' I say agreeing with him, but somewhere inside me I'm wondering, is he ashamed to tell people he was with me? Maybe and maybe not. I shouldn't have to care anyway.

When we arrive at my work I feel the stress again. I already here Campbell being all mad at me and saying that I'm fired. It's almost 10:50 am. I look at Shawn.

'Thanks again and have a nice birthday.' I say before leaving.

'No problem, see you tonight?' Shawn says.

'See you tonight' I say and I walk to the building. Here goes nothing.

I try to walk as fast as I can to my desk. Hoping Campbell didn't noticed me being late. When I arrive I don't see anyone. Maybe I'm not going to lose my job.

'Mis Cameron' I hear behind me. Alright I need to find a new job. I turn around.

'I'm sorry that I'm la-' 'I thought you were sick, your brother called' Campbell interrupts me. Thank you Dean.

'Sick? Yeah I felt terrible this morning, but then I remembered the meeting so I'm going to do my best to work.' I say trying to sound confident about what I'm saying.

'Alight, as long as you hold your sickness to yourself' She says and walks off. This was such a weird morning. Tara walks with paperwork to my desks looking a little confused.

'I thought you were sick?' she says.

'I thought I'd be dead by now.' I say back.

The day went just like other days. I told Tara that I was at my cousins place for the night and that we forgot to set an alarm clock. She believed it and didn't asked any other questions. I'm waiting for the meeting to get started. I'm already done with the small things I needed to do so I have a little breath time. I take my phone and open Instagram. Before I know it my thumb is on the 'search' button. I type 'Shawn Mendes' I see his profile. This boy got 48.6 million followers and there is me with 473 followers. When I look on his profile I also see Mike sometimes at some posts of him. I see that Audrey already follows him, this is going to be fun tonight. I start to follow Shawn on Instagram, not that he is going to notice, but who cares. I put my phone back in my bag and wait till the meeting begins.

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