1. The video call

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New York

'I'm sorry'
'excuse me sorry can I pass'
The streets are full with people and I just simply try to get to my favourite coffeeshop, but when you're clumsy and you're in a rush, people can be a real obstacel. When I finally made it I saw the long row off people waiting for their coffee. Why? Just why can't live be nice for once? I'm being nice to life... maybe that's not true, but action equals reaction. So it's lifes own fault that I'm being mean against life. And yes I'm talking to myself about life.
I look back to the row, I'm not gonna make it on time. I leave the row and I go on with walking to my work. I write articals for vogue. I love my job, but I'm not good in the whole wake up early in the morning thing. Even though it's not that early I need to be at 10 o'clock behind my desk. It's now 09.55 so I don't really have a lot of time. If I don't hurry I'm not having coffee and I'm gonna be late.

As I walk in my office I see my bos standing behind my desk. I look at the time 10:10 dangit.
'Mis Cameron you're late again' she says when she sees me walk in. 'I know and I'm sorry, it will not happen again' I say hoping that she will just leave me so I can do my job. 'I've heard that a couple times before' You know how a mad potato looks like? Well... I'm watching a mad potato beging mad at me. I told you life doesn't really likes me. 'Only because you're really good at your job I keep you, but this is my last warning, next time you're late you're fired' she finish and walks out my office. I diffentely don't like mad potatoes.
When misses Campbell leaves Tara walks in, 'She doesn't looks that happy' Tara says. I shruggle my shoulders while I'm getting my stuff out of my back, 'I was late again and this is my last warning'. I don't want to lose this job. I really need the money. 'you finished you're last topic right?' tara said. A small  'yes' leaves my mouth, 'then you can lean back drink your coffee and work today slowly' Tara said trying to give me hope. 'that's the saddest of this all, I didn't had enough time to get my coffee' I say really sad. Tara's eyes grown bigger 'oh nonono' she says, 'I'm gonna get you a coffee before you're not able to think anymore.' She says way to dramatic. My lips form a small smile, cause it was funny, a little bit, maybe more then a little bit, but Tara doesn't needs to know. 'It smiles! Now get you're stuff together and work, oh and be on time tomorrow' she says jokely and leaves my office. I open up my laptop and see I got a new email from mrs campbell with the things for next month, here we go.

After a long day I finally arive home. I take the post and I walk to the kitchen to get my self a glass of water. Consuming that the lights are off I am the first one home. My dad is still at work what means that my little brother is probably at Deans place, my older brother. He moved out a year ago, I miss him but now I have his old room so I am not complaining. I hear noises coming from the front door what means that someone is coming home. 'I'm home' I hear my dad saying. 'I'm in the livingroom' I say back. I stand up from the couch to give my dad a hug. 'How was work?' my dad asks me. 'I was late again and mrs Campbell didn't really liked that, it's my last warning' I answer a little bit sad. My dad sees my sad face 'It will be fine, you're good at you're job and now you need to wake up earlier' he says. 'ugh only the thought of waking up early makes me wanna throw up' I say. My dad laughs 'It's waking up early or living for ever in the same home with your dad'. 'hey I like it here' I say hitting him on his arm. 'I know, but isn't it time to surch a place for yourself?' he asks. I don't like those "you're getting old" talks. 'I just want to leave when I'm ready and not like Dean coming back here to eat dinner almost everynight' I say making fun of my brother. 'We both know what a bad cook Dean is' my dad says smiling. I laugh back ' sadly we do.'  After a couple seconds of just standing there in silence my dad speaks up, 'So now I'm gonna cook dinner and you're gonna go and videobell Mike before he doesn't has anytime anymore' he says pushing me to the stairs. I give him a thankfull smile before I go to my room and open my laptop to videobell mike.

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