Chapter 6

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A few days later, it was the night of the football game.

"So, you're not doing cheerleading anymore?" Blaire asked, seeing that Elena wasn't in her uniform.

"Yeah." Elena said. "I'm not that person anymore."

"Come on." Blaire said. "Let's get to the school."

"You coming, Jer?" Elena asked.

"Yeah." Jeremy said. "Let's go."

"We'll be back later, Jenna." Blaire said.

"Have fun, guys." Jenna said. The three siblings headed to the high school.

When they arrived, Blaire saw Stefan. "Hey." She said. "You look great in your jersey."

"Thanks." Stefan said. "Hey, I'm sorry my brother crashed your dinner party."

"It's not big deal." Blaire said. "It was Elena's idea, anyway."

"I had a good time, either way." Stefan said.

"I'm glad." Blaire said.

"I have something for you." Stefan said as he pulled something out of his pocket.

"What is that?" Blaire asked.

"It's a necklace." Stefan replied.

"For me?" Blaire asked.

"Yeah for you." Stefan said. "I've had it for awhile and wanted you to have it."

"It's beautiful." Blaire said. "Is that perfume on it?"

"No, it's an herb." Stefan said.

"I love it." Blaire said. "Will you help me put it on?"

"Yeah, of course." Stefan said. He took the necklace and put it on her.

"I better go find my brother and sister before the game starts." Blaire said. "Good luck."

"Thanks." Stefan said.

Blaire had found Elena, but they couldn't find Jeremy. That was until they heard a commotion. They heard towards the noise and saw Jeremy and Tyler pushing each other.

"Jeremy!" Elena called.

Just then, Stefan came over to them and tried to break the fight up.

"Just leave him alone, Tyler." Blaire said, pulling Tyler away from Jeremy.

"News flash, babe." Tyler said. "But, he struck me first. I was just finishing what he started."

"Don't ever call me that again." Blaire said.

"Jeremy, stop!" Elena said.

Blaire turned just in time to see Jeremy try to strike Tyler with a broken beer bottle, but Stefan stepped in between them just as the bottle his his hand.

Blaire gasped and rushed over to Stefan. "Are you okay?" She asked, concerned.

"I'm fine." Stefan said.

"I watched the bottle hit your hand." Blaire said. "You must be bleeding." She turned his hand over in his, but all she saw was dried blood.

"It's not mine." Stefan said. "I promise I'm ok."

"Alright." Blaire said. "I'll see you after the game."

She headed to the bleachers. She saw Bonnie and Elena and headed over to them.

"Hey Bonnie." Blaire said.

"Hey, where've you been?" Bonnie asked.

"Can I ask you a question and you give me a really serious no-joke response?" Blaire asked.

"Sure." Bonnie said. "Go ahead."

"You said you got a bad feeling from Stefan when you touched him." Blaire started.

"Forget I said anything about that." Bonnie said. "Your and Elena's little dinner party totally won me over."

"No, Bonnie, seriously." Blaire said. "What was it?"

"It wasn't clear like a picture." Bonnie explained. "When I touched Stefan, it was a feeling. And it vibrated through me, and it was cold, and it..."

"What Bonnie?" Blaire asked.

"It's what I imagine death to be like."

Blaire was quiet.

"Are you alright, Blaire?" Elena asked.

"Yeah." Blaire said. "I just have to find Stefan."

She got up and went to look for him. In her search for him, she heard a commotion going on.

"Matt, what's going on?" Blaire asked.

"Call 911!" Matt said. "Tanner's injured."

"What happened?" Blaire asked.

"I don't know." Matt said. Blaire called 911.

A few minutes later, police and ambulances arrived. They said that was Tanner was dead and it was a mountain lion that attacked him.

"Blaire!" She heard. Blaire turned to see Stefan. Without thinking, she embraced him.

Stefan hugged her tightly, keeping her close. "Are you alright?" He asked.

"Yeah." Blaire replied. "Are you okay. I really thought you had cut your hand earlier."

"I know, but I didn't." Stefan said. "I'm fine."

"Alright." Blaire said.

"Come on." Stefan said. "I'll take you and your siblings home."

Blaire smiled at him and they went to go find Elena and Jeremy.

The Gilbert Twin(A Vampire Diaries fanfic & Stefan love story)Where stories live. Discover now