► du bonheur au chagrin

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Marie scarcely remembered much. It was all a blur of sadness and pain. But there was a bright sense of clarity as well. "Marie?" She saw Benedict scream although she couldn't hear him. His white shirt was covered in blood and his usually fluffy hair was now a sopping mess on the top of his head. She felt the thick woolly texture of his coat around her, warming up her frozen limbs. She was confused. It was all a bit confusing. She saw a mixture of faces, all slightly out of focus. "Benny?" Marie whispered, falling into his chest as hues of light danced in her vision. She didn't know how much time passed or how long she spent cradled on the back of a rocking horse. She remembered Anthony's shocked face as Benedict rushed in, the man taking charge and orders although Marie couldn't hear him. She saw her dress, her nice riding dress, stained with wet mud and blood. Her knee looked wrong. She watched, dazed, as Daphne ran out, turning a pale shade as she saw Marie's leg. Violet's warm face blocked her view. The words "You're in shock," Seemingly repeated by her lips. Marie saw Benedict's worried face above her before she closed her eyes. 

When Marie opened her eyes again the world was a little more sensual. She moved silently, sucking in air as pain shot through her leg. She was in a bedroom, paintings scattering the walls neatly. She was under the plush covers of a duvet, hidden by a thin blanket which wrapped around the four posters. A window cascaded in light. Marie strained her neck to look at the door, footsteps echoing towards her. They were single. Her droopy eyes widened, her brain knocking in sense as she saw Benedict enter the room. He was wearing his amber waistcoat, the one she first saw him in at the art club. His hands were rid of charcoal though, instead carefully holding a steaming cup of tea. His hair was messy, more than usual, and his eyes seemed to cast downwards. "Benny?" Marie asked, her voice lower than a whisper. Her throat hurt. 

Benedict's head snapped up, the tea quickly pushed onto the counter, scalding his hands as he pulled her close to him. He inhaled her smell and held her close, water forming in his eyes. "Oh my love, I thought I lost you," He said, his voice thick with tears. "You would never loose me," Marie said, stroking his arm. As he let go of her to scan her face, as if committing it to memory, he noticed her confusion and began to explain. Her hazy memories slot into the right places, making the story plausible. "She's awake," Benedict called, the loud cry making Marie seem dizzy. The commotion then began. 

Daphne flew into the room in the most unladylike manor, running to Marie's bedside with a teary smile and hugged her deeply. Marie watched as Benedict turned away, wiping his tears hurriedly. "Oh Honey," Marie smiled, pulling Daphne closer as the girl sobbed. "Sister you are smothering her, so much she might actually die from that rather than the bloody horse," Eloise's know-it-all voice which Marie loved rang through the room. "Eloise stop," Violet said in disbelief, rushing into the room with grace. She held Marie with a motherly cradle, making Marie feel more loved from this family than she ever did with her own. Colin's laugh sounded as he heard Eloise, bowing to Marie and wishing her well as he entered the room with Anthony who smiled at her. That's the most she'd get in a long time. He placed his whiskey glass on the bedside table, watching with raised eyebrows as Marie managed to grasp it in her shaky hands and swallow the alcohol with a generous smile. "Really Benedict, of all people?" Anthony said, a smile evident in his voice. "I know you secretly adore me," Marie said, the liquid helping her struggling voice. She winked at Anthony, his lips pulling back against his teeth into a gently smile. "In your dreams."

A young girl, slightly younger than Eloise walked in, her brunette curls pulled up into a fantastic hairstyle. She curtseyed low, making Marie wave her hand in dismissal. "Please, I've never been a total l'amateur of this whole curtseying thing," Marie brushed it off, as polite as possible. "Marie this is our sister Francesca," Daphne said, pulling the girl into a playful sibling hug. "She just got back from school abroad and obviously you know Gregory and Hyacinth," Daphne explained, gesturing to the door where the two younger Bridgerton siblings hid. 

A young man then walked in, a bushy brown moustache hiding his stiff upper lip and an air of authority surrounding him. "Marie this is Doctor Thornburgh, he has been your healer whilst you've been.. you know," Violet said, awkwardly cascading her eyes downwards as she spoke. "Lovely to finally make your acquaintance," The Doctor bowed, making the whole family stifle a giggle. "Oh please, there's no need," Marie urged, smiling at the man. She felt Benedict's hand slip tightly into hers. "I would like to perform some standard checks on you now that you are awake and then I would say you can go home! I have put your leg in a splint which should be better in 3 months or so depending on how well you rest it. I assure you an interest would be much worth your while whilst you wait, are you into embroidery?" The Doctor asked, making Marie smirk and look at Benedict. He held back his laugh cautiously, looking at the paintings which scattered the room. "Something like that."


The Doctor finished up Marie's checks, saying that she should be good to go, however handing her an address of his private hospital in case something went entirely wrong. "Thank you so much, Sir," Marie bowed her head, Dr Thornburgh bowing again. "Good day!" He said, leaving the Bridgerton house with a nod at Anthony - the man of the house. "So, shall we get me home?" Marie said whilst rubbing her hands together. Her movements slowed however as a look of sadness swept over everyone. "What?" Marie asked, looking at Daphne who refused to meet her eye. "What is it?" She stared at Benedict who finally looked up. "Marie, when- when you were unconscious, something terrible happened," He stuttered, sadness etched on his face. "What?" Marie said, her heart plummeting. "Well-" Benedict stopped, rubbing the bridge of his nose as he thought of a way to explain. "Out with it," Marie said with her rarely-used ordering voice. "Bea's dead," He said quickly, hoping it would soften the damage. 

The world went quiet. 

𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐇 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒𝐒 | benedict bridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now