My big fat stupid wedding - Part two

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2. My big fat stupid wedding - Part two

Breathe in and breathe out, repeat. Breathe in and breathe out, repeat.
Breathe in and breathe out, repeat.’

“Godfuckingdammit, Xiaofuckingzhan!!!”

Breathe… ok, Wang Yi Bo, get your shits in check. It's not like this was the first time that happened. You can do it. Remember who you are!’

“….aaargh… my back…”

Wang Yi Bo considered himself a goddamn well-mannered man. Raised with principles and a strong will to set a good example in society and always act fair and righteous. He diligently fulfilled this role peacefully and calmly until a few months ago.

Then it happened.

Xiao Zhan happened.

This uncivilized, primitive, annoying, caveman-like… unfortunately sexy…multi-talented monster, yes, monster. Monster suited this inhuman creature of doom best in Wang Yi Bo's eyes.

After meeting him, his days in peace were numbered. A very small number, by the way. (This is the moment where you should pity him.)

Today, it took all the self-control and discipline Wang Yi Bo had to not end his upcoming marriage prematurely by murder, but he wasn't very far away from it.

If he hadn’t just had some exceptionally awesome orgasms which kept his serotonin level high enough, he wouldn't guarantee anything.

Words could not describe the mix of brewing emotions he felt in his guts right now. They ranged from extreme sexual satisfaction down to untamed murderous intent.

Somewhere in between this emotional chaos, one of these feelings was definitely pain, coming from a place where it was pretty inconvenient to have pain in his current situation.

And guess whose fault it was?

This punishment to humanity,



…. Ok… his own, but still. One should consider the fact that he was fighting against the dark forces of seducing hell, so how was he, a humble human, supposed to counter these treacherous attacks?

'MY BACK!!!!'

"Goddammit, Xiao Zhan, why do you always have to think with your lower brain, and why the fuck do I have to fall for it every time again? What spell did you cast on me???"

He was so frustrated and annoyed with himself. And his life. And his ass. And everything. Perfect, now he sounded like some teenage girl in puberty. Can the day get any worse?

He couldn’t help but rub his hands over his lower back. A growl left his mouth, making some bypassing hotel staff turn around and stare at him. Wonderful.

After his so-called adoring almost-husband, Mr Super Handsome Special Agent Xiao Zhan was done with him and left him behind, of course not without a nice well-aimed slap on his maltreated ass and some unnecessary advice about his dishevelled appearance, Wang Yi Bo growled and tried to save what could be saved about his looks.

Because he seriously wouldn’t stand in front of everyone looking like the thoroughly fucked squirrel like the last time in the precinct. Never again!

When he somehow managed to look like a decent human being again, he walked, or better yet, crawled all the way from his changing room to the entrance of the reception hall. The short distance felt like a thousand miles. Uphill.

And again, he started to wonder what on earth made him fall for this spawn of hell.

And if he wasn't already pissed enough, his deranged mind did its best to ensure he was.

Officer Wang and Agent Xiao 2.0 - new case, same fools (ZhanYi - FF)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora