Office war - Part two

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5. Office War - Part Two


An irritated and deafening shout resonated through a hushed room at the Beijing police department, letting the pictures and other things innocently and peacefully hanging on the walls sway dangerously. The ones sitting in the office hall on the other side of the door to that place of rage just raised their heads shortly and seemingly uninterested before proceeding with their work as if nothing had happened. 

In response to the disturbing shout, an enraged growl came out of another office at the head of the hall, followed by an aggressive sip of horrible-tasting office coffee. The staff in the hall then flinched, terrified and hid behind their monitors, just in case something would be thrown in their direction. 

But despite all the feared scenarios, there were lots of surreptitiously exchanged glances and equally surreptitiously collected, quickly scribbled notes. In the corner, behind the desk of the overly diligently working and trying to look as unobtrusive as possible, Manu and T, a not-so-well-hidden blackboard, were waiting for updates.

So, basically, it's just another typical day at work.

Meanwhile, inside the infamous WangXiao office…

"I just can't help it, baby…" a soft yet happy voice answered, totally unbothered by the rudeness coming from the man Xiao Zhan was currently pestering with his, in his opinion, pure admiration-filled stare.

"That's the keyword, helping! And you aren't helping at all. You're just wasting air with your presence." Wang Yi Bo, unable to detect the so-called admiration, rolled his eyes.

Xiao Zhan sat on his chair and was just being the annoying nuisance like he usually was. With his elbows propped up on the chaotic mess that used to be his desk, he was swirling to the left and right while his chin rested on his folded hands. A stupid wide grin was plastered across his face, effectively driving Wang Yi Bo close to just grabbing something and smacking it out of him. Hard.

"My presence could never be a waste. You will miss me in the most miserable way as soon as I am gone." 

"I highly doubt that, you idiot."

Or maybe he should tack his foul mouth together with this nice and beautiful-looking staple gun on his side of their working station. 

"Ouch, that's harsh!" Feigning injury, the Agent clenched his hand on his chest and sobbed loudly. 

"You are slacking off. Your acting used to be better, you know?" 

Wang Yi Bo sighed again, who knew how many times already and angrily threw his pen away. It landed on a pile of papers, from where it slowly rolled to the edge of the table and then, in slow motion, down to the ground. The cap opened, and the ink splattered in all directions. 

Seeing this, a vein popped up on his forehead, and it began to throb after hearing the amused chuckle from the dark side of the force, I mean desk. 

Yes, wasn't this exactly how you imagined your first day of work after an interrupted honeymoon? The opinions might differ a little at this point. 

Wang Yi Bo locked his fury-filled eyes at the amused, grinning Xiao Zhan as if he was the cause of this mess, and the Agent straightened up in his seat and took the challenge immediately. 

After a moment of a very tension-filled and nerve-wracking glaring contest, Xiao Zhan suddenly laughed loudly and leaned back to grab something from the floor. 

"And it's not that I didn't do anything. Just wait and see, baby! I so deserve a reward for this!" He wriggled his eyebrows provocatively, leaving Wang Yi Bo confused. 

Officer Wang and Agent Xiao 2.0 - new case, same fools (ZhanYi - FF)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant