The return of the combat bunny - Part two

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9. The return of the combat bunny - Part two

'What the fuck do you think you are doing, you little pimplebutt?! Feeling the desire to lose your hands? I can arrange that; I am well-versed in amputation! Theoretically.'

If you ask our little Officer how he would describe the newest addition to their team, he would, after throwing a multicursural-tantrum, certainly give you a very pictorial and detailed description of how much hate someone can accumulate towards a person you just met one minute ago.

Embellished with all the subtleties about possible killing variants…

He stared at his newly declared archenemy, Zhang Tao, with blazing fury in his eyes. His fists started to tremble, as well as his whole body. The pestilence still hadn't let go of his HIS husband's hand and kept sending unmistakable innuendos through his body language.

Officer Wang didn't like that. AT ALL!

'For fucking fucks sake! Let go of him, RIGHT NOW! I don't want to disinfect my husband for the next two hours! Do you know how much work that is? Who are you anyway?!'

He inwardly fought a warlike battle with the urge to just jump at the personified example of useless DNA and pull him off his Xiao Zhan. The hot wave of jealousy seemed to overwhelm him. To his absolute dismay, his stupid Agent remained unmoving and even carried a light smile on his lips.

'Did this scruffy baboon ass just winked at him? Should I bleach your eyes, too?'

Wang Yi Bo got increasingly worked up in his slightly unrelaxed fantasies, but the sudden disturbing sound of a throat being cleared violently pulled everyone out of their own trail of thoughts as if being hit with a bucket of ice-cold water.

Chief Jiang tapped his index finger on his desk frighteningly fastly and glared at them with a murderous expression on his tensed face. You might say he was a little bit impatient. Just a little tiny bit…

"If you could give me a LITTLE bit of your most precious attention, then I possibly could explain the situation to you, even though it doesn't seem to interest anyone here."

Three pairs of eyes immediately looked at him, blinking approximately two times and waiting expectantly.

"JesusChrist.. great… So, Mr. Zhang is a trusted aide of prosecutor Nie. He has worked for us for quite a long time as a spy in Jin Pharmaceutics and can give us much-needed insider information about the higher-ups and how we can catch them. Xiao, Chicken, I expect you to behave for once and fully cooperate with Mr. Zhang. AM I CLEAR?"

Both Xiao Zhan and Wang Yi Bo nodded briefly.

Zhang Tao shot a pretentious look in Wang Yi Bo's direction before turning back to Xiao Zhan. He smiled shyly and acted flattered in front of him. Xiao Zhan,  and that almost let Wang Yi Bo erupt through the ceiling, then nodded softly, smiling in appreciation.

If you look closely, you could detect steam coming out of Officer Wang's ears. Let's hope the smoke detectors won't go off…

Chief Jiang saw the subtle exchange of pleasantries and sighed in resignation. He rubbed over his face with both hands and shooed the three little pigs out of his sanctuary.

"If there's nothing else, you might leave and do what you are actually getting paid for and stop lurking around in my office."

Alcohol… he needed alcohol…


In the hallway, after literally being shoved out of the office and getting the door slammed right into their faces, Wang Yi Bo immediately grabbed Xiao Zhan's wrist firmly and signalled him with an ultra-death glare that they had to have a nice chat if he wanted to keep his dick intact. Right now. At their office. With no room for discussion.

Officer Wang and Agent Xiao 2.0 - new case, same fools (ZhanYi - FF)Where stories live. Discover now