Chapter Eight

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Angelina was able to go back to the palace four nights later. Various visitors, including, most unfortunately, the Allards, had clogged up her evenings the past few nights. She was glad of having an evening to spend as she pleased. In this instance, visiting ghosts.

She whisked through the front doors and up the stairs, quickly finding the second staircase. But when she got to the parlour, no one was there. She crept forward a bit, cutting through the centre of the room to the door opposite the one she had just entered and peering around the frame. But there was just darkness. 

"Oh, Angelina," said a voice. Angelina spun around to see that a princess had come up behind her. 

"Good evening," Angelina replied.

"And to you. We're in a meeting in a different room at the moment. It's just this way," the princess said, beckoning for Angelina to follow.

Angelina did so. "What is your name?"

"Atzi. I was an Aztec princess. I'm pleased to meet you properly," Atzi said.

Angelina regarded Atzi. She wore a colourful, intricately woven teal dress. Beads rested in rows around her head and neck. They clinked faintly as Atzi lead her to the other princesses. Even the sounds arising from the princesses' movements were ghostly, as if they were half living in a place beyond Earth.

They soon arrived at the room with the rest of the princesses. There was a long wooden table going through the middle, with a bookshelf behind it and a window at one end. A ruined portrait of someone – probably one of Angelina's long-dead relations – hung dusty on the wall. The princesses occupied the chairs, Neferu at the head, in front of the window. Atzi sat down and Angelina found a spot next to Vivienne.

"Hello again, Angelina," smiled Neferu. "What brings you here this evening?"

"Well, I came to discuss my strategy with the books," replied Angeina. "I've come up with a rough plan."

"Go ahead," nodded Neferu, as the other princesses listened attentively.

"Well, it shouldn't be too hard to get into his house. He's my fiance, and we've been visiting a lot," began Angelina, sighing as she was interrupted by dainty, shocked whispering.

"Your fiance?" questioned a black haired girl incredulously.

"I'm sure there's an explanation, Akari," said Neferu.

"Believe me, not one part of me wishes to be engaged to him. I have been forced but I still am trying to get out of it," said Angelina.

"Well, make sure you don't get out of it until you get the books," said Neferu. "Your engagement will prove very useful."

Angelina nodded. "First I'll find the books. I'll try to read them to begin with, to get a good idea of their content and I'll inform you. It might give you some ideas for protection, or something. After that I'll work on a hiding place, think of a good spot. I'll have to move them quickly, otherwise he'll notice that they're going missing and I'll be in more danger. I'll hide them ideally at the same time, or within a day of each other. Then hopefully you'll all be safe, and we can all work on that code book to keep you safe in future."

"That sounds like as good a plan as any in such a desperate situation," nodded Neferu. "Any questions?"

"Just let us help in any way we can," said Vivienne. "When you report back to us, we'll help you to come up with new or improved ideas to go forward with."

Angelina nodded. "I am engaged on a lot of nights, especially during the summer, but I'll come when I can," she promised.

"Are you able to come here safely?" asked Neferu anxiously.

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