[3] another fox

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The luxiem chatted and chatted. When shu got a text from one of his 'normal' friend. Sonny. Sonny had yellow hair. They were good friends. Sonny was also a kitsune fox spirit . He was rare too. they said they had a meeting tonight. But tonight was lucas birthday shu felt guilty but if its the spirit meeting then he had to go. "im sorry i cant make it tonight. Something popped im so sorry luca" shu said. Luca replied "oh thats okay! If you have time come over and party!" of course!" shu said.

They all walked to class. Ike and mysta were talking about a new game non stop. Shu and luca walked into art clas. They could draw freely. So shu being shu he drew lanterns and foxes. He smiled of how beautiful it was. He looked at lucas art. He chuckled and luca said "whatt???" luca asked. Shu smiled. And before you knew it. It was time for the the meeting. "please stop dressing so feminine mr.calamity." asked the prince. "no can do" replied the smiling kitsune. "so. for mr.calamity. The king shortened your time to roam on the earth. 10th of november On the lantern festival . 1:30 am . After that. You'll be gone." shu was shocked but gently smiled. "that is perfectly fine " sonny and the other of the god spirits were shocked. "now i shall be excused ." shu teleported home and changed into a outfit and teleported at lucas house and knocked on the door "Shuuu!!!" luca and the others yelled . Shu smiled and walked in. Shu gently took off his shus and walked in and sat on the couch. Ike and mysta were kissing . Shu felt disgusted but laughed "Get a room!" vox said and we all laughed. shu in lucas eyes seemed werid. But luca didnt mind. "guys lets play fall guys!!" they all said yes and shu kept on winning. They all laughed and had a good time. By then at 3 am they passed out.

DISSCONTINUED!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora