[4] backstory

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Shu and luca then woke up. Shu streched and yawned . It was morning by now. Shu got up and started to cook bacon and eggs for the others. They were all asleep expect for luca. Luca sat on the couch watching tv
They all woke up. They all ate dinner happily. Then vox brought up "what about the calamity kitsune?" shu remebered what was gonna happen to him. He clentched his fist but then stopped. He texted sonny .

Shu: hey sonny.

Sonny: sup waddya need?

Shu: do you wanna hang out with the rest of luxiem on feb 10th?.. Cause yk..

Sonny: yes of course. And maybe we could also go to the spirit festival.

Shu: if we have time.

Sonny: im gonna really miss you.

Shu: can believe thats in four months.

Sonny: yeah..

end of convo.

Shu got off his phone and got up . He put on his duffle bag and fixed his shirt and put on his shoes said bye and left. He teleported into the forest and snapped his fingers changing into a feminine kimono still wearing the same hairstyle he had in the meeting. The purple calamity sat down on the bench and texted sonny.

Shu: hey sonny.

Sonny: yessss??

Shu: wanna meet me at the tree?

Sonny: yeah lets hang out.

Shu and sonny talked for a while. They heard teenage boys "lets eat em!" "Sonny be quiet its my friend group" both of them sat there with there masks on "why is the purple calamity wearing a smiling mask and the other one wearing a sad face one?"
They didnt know but they just stared at them. They then walked away from the tree. "phew were good." "rememeber this place?" "ah yes.."


( at this time sonny wasnt a kitsune. this was 100 years ago. So shu was stuck there for 100 years )

Sonny found a kitsune spirit tied up to a big tree with tailsmen on the tree with him chained to it. The purple kitsune looked hurt and shot by an arrow . the fox had long claws with long hair. He Checked thr purple foxes pluse to see if the fox was still alive . The fox was alive which was good. Sonny pulled the arrow out of the kitsunes heart. It wad bleedint really bad. He took the kitsune down . he bandaged the kitsune up. The kitsune woke up he was frightened . But he warmed up to the yellow haired human. The human was kind and gentle. They became bestfriends sooner or later. They climbed trees. Untill a war broke down in the kingdom sonny lived in. Shu had seen sonny been stabbed with a spear. Shu then had gone crazy and set destruction to the kingdom . He then carried sonnys body and healed him . Feeding him soup. Taking good care of him untill he got better. Sonny turned into a spirit. The king of the realm turned sonny into a kitsune too.

______________end of backstory_______________

It slowly became night. They watched the stars . They bonded as usual . They were both sad that shu was dissapering in novemeber the lantern festival. But they were happy they could spend 4 more months Together .

DISSCONTINUED!!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon