Character Bio

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Name: Kiara Bakugo

Age: 12 (3 years younger than Katsuki)

Height: 151 cm (4'11)

Weight: 29 kg (71 lbs)

Blood type: O-

Nicknames: Ki, Kia, Bakugo, Ki-chan

Family: Katsuki Bakugo (elder brother), Mitsuki Bakugo (mother), Masaru Bakugo (father), Pom (cat)

Quirk: Acid sweat (Sweats acid that explodes when friction is applied. Inherited from her father, but much more powerful)

Hair: Short, Dirty blonde

Eye color: amber

Likes: Music, her brothers cooking, reading, playing piano and guitar, watching her brother fight, cats, her cat pom, watching foreign movies

Dislikes: Talking to new people, watching her brother and mother argue, training with her brother, fighting,  dogs, loud things, explosions

Personality: A quiet girl with only a small group of friends. She usually is either at a friend's house or hiding in her room to get away from her loud family. She almost constantly has her headphones on, and sometimes  Katsuki drags her into training with him, which never ends well. She has a talent for music and is quite intelligent. And she is top of her class in most subjects.

Kiara Bakugo (Bakugo younger sister) (One shots)Where stories live. Discover now