Movie night

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Kiara sat in her room at her desk, staring at a paper covered in scribbles and doodles. Math homework. It's not like she was bad at math, but the unit they were doing wasn't working out for her. She learned back in her chair and stared at the ceiling. Maybe she should ask for help.

Her brother never seemed to like it when she asked for help. He was always "too busy" or something. So Kiara always had to offer something in return. Not bothering him, helping him train, things like that 

She took off her headphones and sighed. No way was she gonna miss another assignment. Mom was already furious. Putting her headphones down on her desk, she got out of her chair and stared at the door.

"No point in waiting," she thought to herself. Kiara walked down the hall to Katsuki's room. She knocked, but there was no answer. Usually he would have yelled at her if he was in there, but there was only silence.

Walking further down the hall, she heard voiced coming from the TV room. It sounded like Katsu's friends were over.  How embarrassing! Asking her brother for help was bad enough, but it would be so much better than doing it front of his friends!

She sighed again. No way around it. As quietly as possible, she snuck over to the room, looking for a way to only get Katsu's attention. Sadly, he was facing away from her. Everyone else would notice her before he did.

"I should have just texted him," Kiara sad under hear breath. She tiptoed past  the edge of the wall in full view, as quiet as a mouse. Though she new it was pointless, she had a slight hope that no one would see her.

"Hey, Kiara! Wanna join us?" It was the pink girl, Mina. She was the first one to notice, and drew everyone's attention. They all looked at her, even her elder brother. Kiara started to blush and quickly shook her head. "I just need nii-chan's help with something."

Katsuki scowled at the nickname, but quickly got up and ran over to her. "What do you want? What are you doing here?" Kiara lead him into the hallway and sheepishly asked him for help with her homework. "Can't you see I'm busy?!" He whispered in a harsh tone. Kiara grew even more embarrassed. "Please? I really don't understand this part, and if I fail again my grade will drop!"

Katsuki sighed and told his friends he'd be right back. The two of them walked down the hall and took a look at the problem that had been so much trouble. It was a word problem, long and complicated.

"This is easy. Here, I'll show you."

Later (Katsuki)

"Thanks, Katsu. Mom would've killed me if she found out I didn't study." I had just finished explaining the stupid math problem to her. "Yeah, whatever. That hag would kill me too if I didn't help you," I replied.

Finally, I got to go back to the living room where the others were. Supposedly, it was "my turn" to host the movie nights we've been doing. I didn't agree to it, but they still came. The idiots.

Anyway, as I sat down on the couch, raccoon eyes jumped up and asked where my sister was. Great, they wanted to include a middle schooler.

When she gets like this, there's no stopping her. I point at the doorway and say "At the end of the hall, in her room."

Kirishima got up and raced Mina down the hall. Not three minutes later they come back with my 12 year old sister in tow, almost dragging her behind them.

She sat down between them. "What movie are you guys watching," she asked.  Dunce face picked up the remote and turned on the TV. "You'll see."

I grabbed the popcorn bowl and laid back. If I'm gonna be here, might as well enjoy it .

After the movie (3rd person)

Katsuki's friends walked out the front door, waving to Kiara. It was almost midnight and they had to get home quickly. Katsuki had already fallen asleep on the couch, and Kiara went to bed soon after.

She thought about the night. It was nice.of them to include her in the activity, but she had school in the morning. It was bets she got to sleep.

Turning of her bedside lamp, Kiara smiled. The night was a lot of fun. Maybe she should try to make more friends like that on her own.

Kiara Bakugo (Bakugo younger sister) (One shots)Where stories live. Discover now