You never notice until it's gone

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We just received the news.

They believe he is still alive and are currently looking for him, so we still have hope.

I can't believed this happened.

I should start from the beginning.

Katsuki went to hero training summer camp.

He was super excited, and apparently there was a.test to make sure he was up for it. He passed, both the written and the practical, of course.

That's not the news we received.

My brother was kidnapped by a large and dangerous group called the "League of Villains" by the end of the third day of camp.

Now every pro hero possible, even some retired ones, are looking for him. All we can do is wait and hope. They assured us they'd have him back soon.

Mom's been crying in her room for a day now. Dad and I comfort her when we can. All of us miss him, even the little things or the things we found annoying.

A lot of people have been dropping stuff off for us and visiting. Heroes, friends, classmates, even random people. I got a couple days off of school, but I'll still have to go back after that.

Yesterday it was Al and Ed to drop of homework, and the day before that it was some of his classmates. His childhood friend Midoriya, Kirishima, Mina, as well as some others. A couple of hours ago some of his teachers showed up. Pro heroes Eraserhead and All might, giving us an update on the situation.

Some time later (3rs person)

The door to the Bakugo's house burst open, and through it walked Katsuki, followed by a string of heroes and heroes-in-training. The only one in the room to see this was Kiara, who stared in bewilderment.

After a minute if sitting and processing, she ran over to her elder brother and smashed into him, making him almost tumble over in a tight embrace. Silent tears streamed down her eyes.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and one of the heroes in training ran to get the parents. They were just as stunned, and soon the whole family was huddled together, sobbing and glad to have Katsuki back.

Kiara stepped away from her family to let her parents get some time with her brother. In the meantime, she asked the heroes some questions.

"Where was he? What did they do to him? How did you get him out? How did you find hem so quickly?" She asked hurriedly.

Some heroes left, others sat down to answer her questions, some went off to talk to each other. The heroes that sat down with Kiara recounted as much as she wanted them to tell her. They told how they found the place, about the state they found her brother in, the fight that ensued, and the students that ended up being the ones to get him out.

They told her the names of every single hero involved, as well as the names of the students that helped.

Kiara wasn't surprised to hear Midoriya and Kirishima. His childhood friend and a current friend, and she knew them well enough to know their personalities and that that's exactly what they would do.

It was a very emotional night for everyone.

The next morning (Katsuki)

"Get up, Ki! You're gonna be late!" I yelled at my sister, banging on her bedroom door. She opens it and says "Geez, Katsu, I'm coming." We turn and walk out into the kitchen, grabbing breakfast as we go.

As we walk to the bus, I can hear her muttering under her breath. I can make out "Not even supposed to be in school, but you got home early." I try not to react and the statement.

I was kidnapped recently by a dumb group of villains and returned home last night, which is probably what she was referencing. I wasn't scared at all, but it seems like she was.

At lunch (Kiara)

I sat with Ed, Al, and Chose in our usual spot, eating lunch. They were constantly asking me questing like "why are you back so soon?"  "What happened?"  "Are you ok?", as well as asking me if I was ok.

Their questing were getting tiring, but I answered them anyway. Eventually, we finally got off of the topic of my brother's kidnapping.

A couple days later (3rd person)

Two pro heroes sat across from the Bakugo family in their living room. The heroes, who also happened to be Katsuki Bakugo's teachers, were explaining the new living arrangements. Because of Katsuki's kidnapping, their security measures had been upgraded.

They were now asking if the students could stay in the newly built dorms at the school, where they would be constantly cared for. They would all get their own rooms and all of the accommodations that they could need.

The parents immediately agreed, and although Katsuki argued with his mother, he wasn't against the idea of living in the dorms. He would have his own space, che could train any time, and it was an excuse to get away from his parents and younger sister for a while.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2023 ⏰

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Kiara Bakugo (Bakugo younger sister) (One shots)Where stories live. Discover now