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The title was supposed to be "Just another day" but Wattpad was glitching


Finally. Although I'm not bad at it, I'm not very fond of math. Sitting through an hour of pre-algebra with Miss Daul is mentally draining. 

I stuff my folder into my backpack and hurry out the door with the rest of my classmates. Although none of them are all that mean to me, I wouldn't call them friends.

I'll be sitting alone at lunch today. Everyone else has something to do.

I met Yona in kindergarten, and we've been best friends since. We did everything together and were practically inseparable. But she moved to America over the summer, so we don't talk as much anymore.

Ed and Al were on the science team and they had a meet today. They were essential to the team and loved doing it. They said something about it being about alchemy or chemistry this time, or something like that.

Chise wasn't at school again. She probably was sick or broke another bone. Although she didn't like to admit it, she was very accident prone.

Then there's Roy. Apparently he's had a crush on me since the second grade, and he confessed last year. I had no idea what to do, and things got really awkward between us. At first we still talked, but after Yona moved he found a new friend group.

We do say hi if we pass each other in the hall, but that's about it.

I anxiously rush through the halls and finally find my usual spot. It's like a little hiding place I found. It's far away from all the noise, and hidden from sight between two trees, a wall, and a trashcan.

There is also plenty of room, enough for a small group of people to stretch out.

I pull out my headphones and unpack my lunch. A sandwich, a small bag of ships, and an apple. Scrolling through my phone for my playlist, I bite into the apple. It's crisp and sweet, just how I like it.

Later (3rd person)

Kiara was excited to go to class for once. Not only was it the last class of the day, but it was art class, and today they got to do whatever they wanted, and the teacher would let them listen to their own music. It was the only time today were she got to express herself.

Today she picked out a canvas with a large set of paint.

As she thought about what she wanted to paint, one of her favorite songs came on, giving her inspiration.

The creativity flower through her, and although she usually did do much art outside of class, she was proud of how the painting was turning out. It depicted the feelings the song gave her perfectly. It was a blend of dark and bright colors, warm and cool, comforting yet slightly energetic.

There was not direct focus on the painting, it was more a swirl of color and emotion, but if you stared at it you could make out some shapes.

She took a step back and admired it. It definitely wasn't perfect, and she wasn't artistic, but she made it, and she could see the value in it.

The art teacher walked over and smiled gently. He seemed to love it. His eyes were soft, and told her that she did well without ever saying a word.

Kiara felt encouraged by this and admired the work for a bit longer before packing up. It had taken her all class.

She walked towards the bus with Ed and Al, who had both just gotten out of music class.

"So, how was your meet?" She asked. The both smiled at each other. "We won!* They said in unison. "We got every single question right, without giving the other team a chance!"

Kiara smiled and stepped into the bus. "That's good to hear."  Al smirked. "Yeah, and then Ed blew it in band. Literally! He blew so hard on his trumpet that a piece shot out and hit Mr. Mondrian!"

Ed's face went red with anger. His brow furrowed when he shouted back "Yeah, and?! It was a fluke, Alphonse! The stupid instrument was broken! I never liked band anyway!" He was literally shaking in his seat.

Kiara laughed. "That sounds awesome! Man, I missed you guys. You're always so busy that I never get to see you anymore!"

The brothers looked over at her sadly. "We miss you too, Kiara!" Al said.

Ed suddenly straightened in his seat and turned to Kiara. Wanna come over? It'll make up for lost time. Al smiled brightly. "Yeah, it'd be great to have you over, and I'm sure granny wouldn't mind!"

Kiara sighed and slouched in her seat. "Can't. Promised my brother I would train with him today." She hunched over, elbows on her knees and chin in her hands. "Some other time, I guess. Just not this week, I'm always so tired after he trains with me. He's practically just using me as a moving target."

Later again, at a gym (Katsuki)

I leaned against a wall as I watched my sister walk into the training area. She was wearing a black t-shirt and shorts, similar to mine.  We walked towards each other, meeting in the center of the room. "Took you long enough." I said to her flatly. She looked up at me and replied with "let's get this over with." 

About a week ago she promised me she would do a training session with me any time I wanted, in exchange for help with whatever dumb problem she had at the time.

Even though I go to a hero training School, I don't actually get to fight and train very often. So instead I fight with her  it's a good way for me to keep up my skills, and teacher her how to defend herself at the same time.

We both stepped back a substantial distance and took fighting stances. Kiara looked bored, but seemed ready to defend herself anyway. I don't get why she would be bored, fighting is exhilarating! It always gets me excited, no matter who my opponent is.

Suddenly, she ran straight up to me and moved her arm to punch me in the.jaw. I blocked it, but at the lest second she retracted her arm and kicked me in the gut. It surprised me for a second but I quickly shook it off, turning and grabbing her arm. I threw her over my shoulder, and she twisted so that her feet landed on my back. I let go of her arm as she kicked off, skidding on the training room ground.

I ran and swept my leg to kick her, getting her in the side of her ribs, she clutched her side and stood up, swearing that she'd get me back. I went for another kick and a punch but she jumped over my leg and grabbed my arm. She twisted it with all of her strength and dropped down, sliding under my legs and bringing me arm with her.

I fell forward and landed on my face, but quickly got up. No more holding back. I ran forward to where she was near the wall. I wrapped my hands around her, pinning her arms to her sides, and picked her up.

I started to run to the other side of the room, gaining speed. At the lest moment, I jumped up the wall and threw her back.

She went flying through the air and went almost all the way across the room before slamming into the floor.

I flipped off of the wall and landed perfectly, as I always do. Walking over to grab my stuff, I yelled "You did better this time, kid. Now get off the floor before mom calls for us to come home."


I slowly sat up, rubbing the back of my head. Katsuki yelled at me to get off the floor and tossed my my water bottle. It hurt, but it didn't last as long this time as it usually does. I chugged the water bottle and went to grab my things.

While I never have any fun "training" with my brother, I am glad at least that I know how to defend myself now.

But I wouldn't tell him that. It'd just go to his head.

We take the bus home, and I immediately pass out. I don't know how he does this kind of thing all the time with his friends at school.

Kiara Bakugo (Bakugo younger sister) (One shots)Where stories live. Discover now