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(3rd person )

Kiara turned up the sound on her phone as high as it would go. Her headphones covered her ears and the music was loud, but she knew that wouldn't be enough. Her mother and brother were always fighting about something. She walked out of her room and into the kitchen. There, she found the rest of her family.

Her mother yelling at Katsuki, who was yelling back. Something about "an incident and school" and "he could've gotten himself killed" and "but he's too strong to go out like that". Whatever, kiara doesn't take part in it. She takes after her dad, a quiet and calm man, who just so happened to be trying to mediate the yelling match.

She grab a bag of chips and a drink and heads back to her room. That's  what was supposed to happen anyway. Instead, she was grabbed by her mom and pulled straight into the argument, exactly where she didn't want to be.

"Kiara, what do you think of this?!" she said sweetly, though through gritted teeth. The two blondes started at her, both expecting her to take their side. As always, she took the middle. Like her dad, she didn't like fights, but instead of mediating them, she avoided them completely.

Kiara signed, as she knew she would be able to get back to her room any time soon. Taking off her headphones, she asked them what happened. Her father calmly explained what he called the "USJ incident", a training course at Katsuki's her school that had been attacked by a group of villains.

Their mother was mad at katsuki because he could've gotten hurt or been killed, but he says that he was fine, and that it wasn't a big deal. They sat in silence for a minute, waiting for an answer. "It's not Katsuki's fault that the villains came," she said to them, "but he should also tell her when things like that happen."

Kiara put her headphones on and walked away, knowing that what she said didn't douse the fire, but instead took out some of it's fuel.

When she got to her room she plugged the headphones into the amp and started to tune her new guitar. It was a birthday present from her mother, a bloodred electric guitar with beautiful sound and a way for only her to listen in. It was perfect, and she began to strum.

She started to strum faster, making a loud and even a bit harsh tune. But before she could start the song itself, the door bust open. It was Katsuki, with an angry look on his face. Then again, he always looked furious. He yelled something at her, but the sound of the strings was still ringing in her ears. After realizing she couldn't hear him, he  stepped over and pulled off her headphones, throwing them onto her bed. 

"Let's go!!" He yelled, obviously annoyed. " What for?" Kiara calmly replied, already not wanting to go. "To the mall! Mom told me to take you school shopping or whatever, for some 'sibling bonding time' or something. Let's get it over with, Ki."

Kiara put down her guitar and let her brother drag her out the door. They walked over to the train station and sat waiting for the train. After a bit of a wait they get on the train. Kiara watched as the city went by through the window, listening to the thumping of the tracks. Soon the train stopped and a group of chatty teens boarded. They sat near the bakugo siblings and continued to joke around.

There was a derpy-looking one with bright yellow hair that had a black lightning bolt on the side. One of them had spiky teeth and spiky red hair, and another had tape dispensers on his arms. The most notable one was an energetic girl with pink skin and pink fluffy hair, with a bright outfit and little horns.

As the train started up again, the pink one ran over and got Katsuki's attention. Apparently this group were all his friends from school, and they just so happened to be going to the mall too. "Hey, bakugo!" She yelled excitedly. "Never woulda though to see you here!"  Katsuki simply scoffed and turned away, but she just called over the rest of the friends to sit next to him.

Kiara Bakugo (Bakugo younger sister) (One shots)Where stories live. Discover now