Chapter Six

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I decided you guys have been deprived of a story from me for a while, so here's chapter six.

The Ravey fic I'm writing is not very close to done, but it's getting there, and should be out soon.

Hope you enjoy!


"I need an exposé on Davey." Jack blinked as he sat at in front of his ex girlfriend, listening to her every word. "He's the most important kid on campus."

"Um, why?"

"Because it's senior year!" Jack wasn't thinking about that right now—not that he wanted to. The idea of going into the real world was scary, but he couldn't deny that he liked the taste of freedom. But he didn't want to know what that had to do with Davey Jacobs. "He's like a celebrity around here."

"You called me out of lunch to talk about Davey Jacobs?" Katherine was crazy competitive and such, Jack knew that. But he had no idea she was just crazy. "Dude, it's chicken fingers day! You couldn't have texted me this?"

"No", Katherine sighed, crouching down in front of Jack's desk and looking at him with those eyes that got him to do anything. It was like looking into the soul of an abandoned child, the eyes of a puppy so hungry for food. Jack looked away as best he could, but he knew Katherine's power was too strong against him. "This is important. I need you to listen."

Jack sighed and sat more comfortably in his chair, waving for his ex-girlfriend to continue. "So, here's the next big story: Davey Jacobs In Trouble."

He furrowed his brows at that. Katherine wasn't exactly great at giving context to her titles, which is what made her such a great writer. Even Davey Jacobs, her partner from the writing club, knew that. "Trouble? Is he okay?"

"Yeah, he should be, physically", Katherine waved away, and Jack was getting the impression that she and Davey weren't as close as he thought, even if she was dating the girl other Jacobs twin. "But I heard that he's got a detention after school. A real detention."

Normally, that wouldn't be a big deal. Plenty of people get detention around this time of year, especially with so many seniors facing senioritis. Jack has been in detention himself at least four times and it was only February, so he wouldn't exactly call the feat impressive. But Davey Jacobs has never gotten a detention.

Never. That explains why he spoke to Mrs. Grier. "Alright. But what's that got to do with me?"

"I need someone to scope this out for me." Jack grabbed his jacket, ready to leave. "If I do it, my father will just ignore it, and no one else I know cares enough. So, please?"

"", Jack shook his head, grabbing his things quickly and walking out of the room without another answer to Katherine. He didn't watch her face contort into one of disappointment, so he didn't have an other motivation to stop his walking and turn around to face her. "Maybe, Kath. I'll see what I gotta do today."

With that, he walked out of the room, happy to have made Katherine happy and racking his brain for the quickest way to get a detention.


Everyone in school hated having Mr. Wiesel as a teacher, even his own nephews. But Jack hated him the most.

It was so boring having to sit at a desk for an hour, listening to an guy go on and on about some irrelevant topic—fucking chromosomes—that Jack was struggling to stay awake for. Biology sucked.

But if there's one thing that Jack Kelly is good at, it's at getting attention.

"Hey, Mr. Weasel?" Jack smirked softly as he watched the annoyed teacher turn around, marker in hand and a bit of spinach on his mouth from lunch. Jack heard some students laugh at that.

"What, Kelly? What can you possibly-"

"Fuck you!" Jack flipped up both of his middle fingers to the teacher, his heart racing fast and adrenaline pumping through him. "Biology. Sucks."

The room gasped at the random outburst, and Jack was hoping it would be contained to that room—but not with Crutchie in the back left of the classroom—but he didn't shy away. He only placed his hands down and stood from his desk, pushing down a smile as Wiesel raced to his desk to fill out a detention slip. Everything was going according to plan.

"Detention with me after school today, Kelly", Wiesel growled out, and Jack tried not to laugh even as he felt anxious. "I'll see you there."

"Yes, sir", Jack agreed sarcastically, snatching the paper away and stuffing it into his pocket as he made his way back to sitting at his desk.

Katherine would be so proud of him.


"I told you to get into detention, not to get one!"

Jack groaned as he walked down the hallway with his backpack on his shoulders. Katherine chewing him out was not apart of the plan. "Now, you're actually in trouble! Not only does this jeopardize almost everything, but you're nearing the limit of detentions."

"Gee, thanks, Kath, glad to know someone cares", Jack answered sarcastically, rolling his eyes at her huff of breath. "Everything's fine. I'm gonna get the story."


"What do you mean fucking how- I just got detention for this!"

"Yes, Jack, I know!" The both of them were beginning to get on the other's nerves like monkeys to trees. Jack didn't have to do this for her, and he wanted her to realize that. Katherine wanted Jack to realize there are better solutions than his crazy impulses. "Just...Get the story, okay? I'll talk to you later?"

"Yeah, bye", Jack mumbled, hanging up his phone and stopping in front of the Biology room. He should truly be in chemistry at the earliest, but he never got the credit for dealing with Wiesel for an entire year. Therefore, he's back again—twice—but under different circumstances: Detention.

Detention felt like prison to the average high school—Rikers, Azkaban, the dungeon by which no one could ever see anyone they loved ever again. It was the most excruciating hour and a half of any teens natural life, especially when it's spent with the likes of Wiesel.

His nephews usually hung out in the room with him, and when he left they made it manageable, but it didn't beat a nap at home, or homework. It was just sad.

Even as Jack opened the door, walking into a room of about four people, he felt their silent tears and heard their calls for freedom, and he was tempted to follow through like a toddler at the zoo. But alas, he wasn't stupid enough to get another detention.

"Kelly." Jack walked into the room and gave a smile to Wiesel, which the old man never reciprocated. He merely pointed to the calculator imprisonment-turned-phone jail stayed, and Jack just hoped he could do his homework. "Go find a desk. And don't bother anyone."

"Wouldn't dream of it, Weasel", Jack chuckled, using a nickname he's been issuing since he started out as a freshman. It seemed to make the room laugh, including Davey Jacobs.

Jack genuinely smiled at the sight of him, happy to see his personal project was right where he expected him to be. He stared for a while before finding out his legs worked, and he walked to the desk beside the taller. "Hi. Jack Kelly."

He placed his hand out and grinned as Davey raised a brow and shook his hand reluctantly. He looked rather bothered at the sudden greeting, but it was nothing compared to what Jack was going to do. He was going to bother him.

He was going to bother Davey so hard.

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