Chapter Twenty

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"Big Davey J!" Davey felt a shiver run down his spine, his eyes wide with shock and his chest furling with embarrassment. He turned away from his locker to find Jack Kelly walking up to him, a goofy grin on his face.

"I'm going to fucking kill you." Jack laughed at Davey's reaction, wrapping and unwanted arm around the taller's shoulders. "I will gladly serve time for your murder after what you just said."

"And I will haunt you in Hell", Jack teased, smiling cheekily. Davey couldn't help but fall into a soft laughter, not having the heart to tell him he didn't believe in Hell. Jack's eyes were just to bright and happy to dim, even for a small correction.

It wasn't rare to see Jack Kelly happy—he was constantly casually grinning and laughing, but he wasn't great at spreading that joy to the rest of the school. His smile never reached his eyes, and his laughter seemed to get quieter everyday. There was more to Jack than meets the eye, and that was all that Davey bothered to know. "Did you need something?"

"Uh, yeah", Jack mumbled, watching as Davey grabbed his books for the next class. He cleared his throat and wiped a hand down his jeans, feeling old paint stains beneath his fingertips. "So, there's a party-"

"No." Davey was quick to shut him down, much to Jack's surprise. He blinked more than he'd ever had in a year, short-circuiting on the spot. It wasn't until Davey began walking away that Jack realized what he'd said.

"No?" Jack scoffed, mustering up the courage to lie. "This isn't a "no" type of thing, Dave. You gotta come."

"Um, actually—believe it or not—I can do whatever I want", Davey sassed, rolling his eyes. He felt his lungs tighten, wrapped in a beautiful bow of anxiety and pressure. "I don't want to go."

"As long as I've known you, you've never been to a high school party", Jack stated, his voice barely above a whisper, as if Davey had committed a heinous crime. "It's your senior year and you've never even been to a party once."

"I thought the best parties were in college", Davey joked, a small smile on his lips. Jack shrugged.

"That's only because of the sex." Davey choked on his saliva at Jack's bluntness, sending himself into a coughing fit. "Don't you want to attend at least one party that doesn't smell like sex? I think you deserve at least that."

"How do you know what sex smells like?" Jack stayed quiet, a blank look on his face. His eyes displayed nothing but their dim green, and Davey looked at him out of worry from his silence.

"You just insinuated that I was a virgin." Davey grumbled his disdain, ignoring Jack's ramble about his many escapades of parties. "I can't believe you'd think-"

"You're acting like one", Davey opined, shutting Jack up. "And there's nothing wrong with being a virgin. It's admirable, really."

Jack hummed, unsure what to say. Being a virgin was a topic he hadn't thought about since eighth grade, and since that point, he must've left his sexual righteousness on his treacherous road into high school. "You a virgin, Dave?"

"No." That shocked the hell out of him. "I just don't think it's anything to be ashamed about."

"Right, whatever", Jack half-assedly agreed, shaking their previous topic back into place. "The point is, you're going to that party, even if I have to drag your ass there. So, we good? Comprende? Copacetic?"

Davey sighed, knowing he wasn't going to get out of Jack's decision alive. It was either conformity or death, and he suddenly felt like the main character in the fantasy novels he read when he was twelve. Unfortunately, he never retrieved that feeling of excitement; just minute lack of care. "Fine. But if I get thrown up on from a sloppy drunk girl, you're buying me a new shirt."

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