Chapter Twenty-Three

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Yo! I don't do these in my stories anymore, but it's necessary. I'm trying to do another Newsies Q&A for the oneshots to celebrate chapter 100!! Obviously to do this, I need questions. If you have a question, no matter how ridiculous, ask it in the comments with the character you want to answer it. If you have one question for all of them, just put "for all of them." I'll get the chapter out as soon as I can.

Anyway, enjoy!


Jack was very happy that Davey seemed to fit in so well. At the moment, he was discussing politics with Specs and Ike over red solo cups filled with lemonade, and they seemed to be having fun. He was laughing, and happily allowing anyone who wanted to into their conversation, much like he'd known the guys for years.

He was fitting right in, like a glove. Crutchie said he liked him, which wasn't saying much because Crutchie seemed to like everyone, but it was nice to hear it. This meeting was something he had been waiting for.

"Kiss him", Blink urged, and Jack spit his drink back into his cup. "I dare you."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Jack questioned, even more confused by Mush's laughter. "No, seriously. What are you talking about?"

"You were staring at Davey", Elmer filled in, glancing at said boy. "It was kind of creepy, but we let you have your five minutes."

Jack hadn't even noticed he was daydreaming, which he supposed was the point; he hadn't realized he was staring at Davey. Davey didn't seem to notice either telling from his lack of reaction. That had to be a character flaw in some way—if a contract killer was staring him down, he'd get shot because he'd have no idea. Jack should let him know.

"Jack, brother dearest", Crutchie began, and Jack rolled his eyes as he mentally braved himself for impact, "you're smitten for a guy you aren't even in love with. Or are you?"

"Crutch, I swear to God-"

"Who's ready to play "The Relationship Game?!"

Davey looked away from his conversation with Specs and Ike to stare at Crutchie, who he'd met earlier. He seemed nice enough, if a little extremely excited, but in a way that Davey didn't mind too much. He reminded him of Les, who contained the energy of a ten year old. Crutchie reminded him of a ten year old.

He looked to Ike for help. "What's that?"

"It's just a question game", Ike shrugged, crossing his legs. "You basically put your name in a cup and someone pulls it out. Then they have to answer a series of questions about you until they're wrong. Whoever has the highest score wins."

"That's kind of dumb-fun", Davey mumbled, smiling softly when Ike snickered. "Who came up with that?"

"Who do you think?"

His money was on Blink.

"You guys know the rules", Crutchie said like a newscaster, taking the sheets of paper and the cup Race had given him. "Whoever has the most points wins. I will be the counter because I just love all of you so much."

The gang of friends awed sarcastically as Jack booed as loud as he could, pointing his thumb down. "Shut up, Jack. Anyway, grab a sheet of paper and write your name."

Everyone seemed to react as one cohesive unit, with each person going for a the single sheet of copy paper Race brought out to tear off a little piece. Davey waited until everyone in the room seemed to grabbed their piece before getting his own, and waited even longer for the single pen Race had to write down his name. By the time he'd placed his name in the cup, he was tired of waiting.

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