Chapter Ten

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I genuinely forgot about this story😭I need to slow down with the writing.



"I can't do it."

Jack watched Katherine turned in her chair slowly, her brows furrowed and her pencil falling from behind her ear. "I can't do the spying-interview-thing. It's wrong."

Jack wouldn't necessarily consider himself a guy with morals, but he had emotions. He knows what it feels like to be the guy that found out you ended up in the paper, and he also remembers nearly getting expelled due to his reaction to that paper. Ironically, it was Katherine who wrote it, and saved his ass. "Excuse me?"

"I can't just, just trick Davey Jacobs into giving up the Mason Rivers story." Jack crossed his arms, standing his ground. A part of him was terrified, but he knew he needed to do this. If it wasn't to prove it to himself, it was to prove it to Medda and Crutchie. "It ain't cool."

Katherine nodded slowly, her brows furrowed in confusion. "O...kay. Thank you. Is that all?"

"But", Jack continued, and Katherine realized he was only half listening to her. "I will still interview him for the paper, or report, or whatever. I'm running low on club service hours."

Katherine smiled at him, a knowing and amused smile, one that made Jack smile, too. "That's great. How are you gonna do that?"

"I'm going to ask your girlfriend to tutor me in calculus", Jack announced, and Katherine rolled her eyes. "It's a win-win."

"Why must you feel the need to harass my beautiful, ever-so-charming, amazing girlfriend just to get at her twin brother? It sounds like a Pasek and Paul musical."

Jack chuckled. "I actually do need help in calculus", he admitted, and Katherine sighed. "Like, I'm failing. This next test is supposed to send my grade skyrocketing to a low C-, so..."

"Just ask Davey himself", Katherine pushed, and Jack shrugged. "He took calculus last year, and he keeps all of his math and science journals. Simple."

Jack noted that, storing it on a little notepad of things to do. "Cool. And where does Davey Jacobs attend class next period?"

"He has English. Green's room." Katherine went back to her work just as quickly as Jack walked in, quietly dismissing him from her focus. Jack whispered his thanks before walking back into the hallway with another mission on his mind.


Jack dug the grout and paint from his fingers as he waited for the bell to ring, standing in front of Davey Jacobs last and final class of the day. They had business to discuss.

Specifically, business that would get him launched into the school paper (with permission, of course). The paper was the most important way to become known to the entire school, including the teachers. If anyone was in the paper, that person wasn't just famous for fifteen minutes—they were famous for forever.

Jack's really glad Katherine restarted in ninth grade, but if he was having to sacrifice his skipping period just to talk to Davey Jacobs, it wasn't really worth it. "Jack?"

He looked up at the sound of his name, a small smile growing onto his face. "How you doin', Jacobs? Classes treating you okay?"

"Do you want something, or are you just here for reasons I'd rather not waste my time with?" Jack whistled at the annoyance in his voice, shaking his head as he watched the taller boy walk away with slight disdain. Davey rolled his eyes.

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