𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖓𝖊 (1)

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Our story starts at the very beginning. 

"Hey, Eda I need to talk to you about,,, something." 

Eda has never seen this kind of unsureness in her partners voice, so she was very concerned for them. After all, it was the day before their wedding, what could go so wrong? Little did she know her whole world would come crashing down, right then and there. 

"Sure thing! Do you want to go somewhere private?" of course they did, but they were currently at their wedding destination with lots of people around putting finishing touches on stuff.

Willow, Eda's florist, was taking care of all the flowers, watering the large plants, and had to pick apart lily petals from the stem of the flower for the flower girl to throw down the isle tomorrow afternoon. 

On a whole separate side of the recaption room, Amity was finishing her small sculptures of objects like vases, illuminated spheres, and rings that would all be placed at the separate tables as decoration. She had almost succeeded at her task, but before she could she had to ask Eda which ones she wanted at which tables, or if it even mattered to her. This is where another problem comes, seems like Eda is no where to be found now.

Eda and her partner are now stuck in a tiny bathroom stall that was located in the reception building, and this was the moment that she would finally figure out her special day would be ruined.

"Eda I'm sorry for just now bringing this information to you, but I can't do this. You and I, I can't do it any longer. You are just so bright, fun, and fantastic. I am not put together, mean, and dishonest. You deserve better. I know that you were so excited for tomorrow and I feel horrible for just now bringing it up, but I talked with my parents about it last night, how I felt like I couldn't actually marry you and they said I should tell you what I truly feel. So, yes, I am sorry Eda."

She was frozen. How could they say that to her? She didn't know what to say, feel, or even show emotion. She lost it all, right there. The same question is occupying her mind. 'Did they always feel that way' 

"Eda, hello? Are you there? Look I know you are shocked and all but can you please respond? I deserve and answer." 

'No, you don't deserve an answer' was the last thing Eda thought before bursting out into uncontrollable tears and hiccups. She didn't want to appear this way, but had no control over herself anymore. 

"Look, I know it was sorta sudden, but couldn't you see the fault in everything we had?"

'No, I loved you.' again, she trusts someone and is hurt. 

'Hexside High' was what the sign read when she walked into the building just a few minutes past eight. She walked to room 12C, homeroom. She sits next to her sister, Lilith, and takes out her notebook that was reserved for this class. 'First year, first impression' she thought. Of course it all goes a different direction. 

"Hey, look! Lilith's got a pet that looks just like her!" the two girls heard a person in the back of the room yell

Eda looked back to see her one and only friend she had at the time saying that. It hurt bad. Eda than stood up for Lilith and her with a speech filled with confidence. Resulting in a trip to the principals office because she stood on her chair, and ended up breaking it from jumping on it.

Of course Eda was not a bad student, she just didn't have a good reputation. For some reason, everyone who was friends with her would try their best to hurt her as if it was her fault. Was it her fault? Maybe it was all this time.

She ran away in complete and utter hatred for the person who she used to love. How could they do this to her? What did she do wrong? Why did it have to be her? Why did it have to be her? Why did it have to be her? That question ran in her head for quite awhile. 

Amity and Willow both saw this strange scene that played out in front of them. They both silently agreed to run after Eda to figure out what happened. In the process Amity calls Luz and tells her to contact Lilith and get over to the reception hall entry as soon as possible.

Eda runs out into the corridor of the building and sits against the wall, still in tears. She is completely heart broken. Again the question runs through her head. 'Why did it have to be her?' She finally tries to calm herself down and sees her sister, Luz, Amity, and Willow running towards her with all the things. Tissues, chocolate, and anything else she would want or could ever need. 

"What happened? Are you going to be ok" Lilith asked with such seriousness in her voice it could be considered frightful. 

"Th-The-They s-said they di-didn't want t-to go thr-through with t-the wedding!!" Eda exclaims with so much hurt laced intro her staggered words. 

"WHAT?" Everyone else yells. 

The shocked expressions were mutual all around the world, and Eda was still on the floor, defenseless and broken. 

~~Time Skip~~

Eda now locked in her room with tissues, clothes, and food crumbs covering the floor. She has never felt so empty. How could they say that? Why couldn't they have said it sooner? She then gets a call from their ex-partner. "They dare think I would pick up a call from them ON OUR WEDDING DAY WHEN THEY JUST BROKE UP WITH ME?" She screams with tears starting to form again. She let it ring out, because she didn't want to answer it, and had no energy to. 

Lilith walked into her room with some water in a glass cup, a dangerous choice at the time. 

"Dear sister, I understand you are hurt, but you should at least try leaving you're room. Stretch your legs, you know? Also, this isn't the healthiest living situation in my opinion." 

"I am going back to work tomorrow, I need a distraction." 

"Are you sure that is ok? You don't need more time? It has been less than 48 hours still. Look, I know you want a distraction, but going back to work is well, a lot of work." 

"I know Lily but I can't live like this. I don't feel anything but hatred, I don't wanna see anyone, and I don't have much else to do"

"If you think you are OK with working then fine, but if you need a break please tell you're boss."


Lilith leaves the room after talking to her sister and talks to Luz about what is going on. They need a plan to help Eda get better. After all, she is living with Lilith, drowning in her emotions, and basically ignoring everything around her.

They formed a plan to get Eda out of the house, and will execute it soon. 

Author's note:
Wow, here we are! The first chapter of this story. I really don't know if this is even good, but I kinda hope it is. Anyways just making it known Eda works online when she starts working again which is why she will still be in her room. I really hope you enjoyed this and I can't wait to start the next chapter. It should pick up a little bit next chapter. 

Good night/day/dawn/dusk!! <33/p 

Word count: 1265

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