𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖔𝖚𝖗 (4)

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"Lilith! Apparently finding new hobbies is a coping mechanism? I am gonna try it!" Eda yells from her room in her apartment

Eda has been reading up on ways to heal from such a huge life adjustment, turns out the advice is not all that helpful, but she will take anything. 

"What is your new hobby going to be?" Lilith asked with curiosity in her voice

"Yoga!" Eda yelled once again

This statement shocked Lilith a lot, considering her sister was never the most 'Calm your energy and nerves' person. She was a more 'Beat your enemy's to pieces' type of gal. Of course, Lilith was not gonna judge her sister. 

Eda was so happy she had her friends with her through this hard time. The amount of adjusting she had to do has affected her mood a lot. Ever since moving back to her apartment all by herself, it was a tough thing to get used to. Lilith, Darius, Luz, Vee, Willow, and Gus gave their all to help her re-adjust. Often times, she would never be alone at night. 

The group of people took Eda out most nights, whether it was to a bar, a movie, or just a stay at home date with all of them, it is exactly what she needed. Although this could not last forever, she has enjoyed it and decided that tonight, she is just gonna spend her time with just her sister and Luz then get back to regular nights alone

Little did Eda know hoe eventful the night ahead of her would be, and she was so happy about it. 

~~Time Skip~~

As if the silence was to overpowering, a young female bursts through the door.

"EDAAA!! I HAVE AN AMAZING IDEA!" Luz yells with such compassion and love that it made Eda smile. 

"Ahem actually, we had the idea Luz" Lilith corrects with a tiny bit of hurt in her voice. 

Eda was curious, so she decided to lead into it and ask what was going on.

"So! You know how you have like 5 weddings ahead of you this year?" Luz questions

"Yeah, what about it?" Eda asks, still clueless 

"Well,, Lilith and I have come with an amazing idea to get you back into the wedding season!" Luz announces

Eda scoffed and laughed at Luz, not thinking she was serious. Of course, Luz and Lilith both saw her reaction and decided to restate their point.

"Eda, we are being serious, we actually have a great idea! It won't be harmful, it will be fun!" Luz says with little confidence. 

"Oh! Ok well run me through this idea then" Eda exclaims with sympathy

"Ok, so basically, there are 5 weddings right? Gus' wedding, Vees wedding, Willows wedding, Darius' wedding, and my wedding. There are events leading up to them to! Like the times where its just the bride and bridesmaids time to hangout before the wedding. The whole point of this is for you to have tasks to complete at each wedding, which will hopefully help you keep your mind off of some things." Luz explains

"Maybe you might even meet someone on the way!" Lilith says teasingly 

Eda went to grab a piece of paper and a pen to write stuff down on

Complete all 5 tasks was the title then they began to brainstorm ideas.

Wedding one was Gus and Mattholomules wedding, this one shouldn't be to hard to come up with something so they decided on a task.

Wedding two was Vee and Masha's wedding, for this one they bumped up the difficulty a little bit

Wedding three was Willow and Hunters wedding, this one again they bumped up the difficulty of completing the task. 

Fourth was Darius and Aladors wedding, for this one they went really hard. 

Finally, Luz and Amity's wedding, this one had the hardest task to complete out of all the others. 

Complete all 5 tasks

Wedding one, Gus and Mattholomule

Be the last person not drunk at the bar

Wedding two, Vee and Masha

Get a persons number

Wedding three, Willow and Hunter

Collect a good nights kiss

Wedding four, Darius and Alador

Run down a hotel corridor at 3AM in a bunny costume and bring an unusual plus one

Wedding five, Luz and Amity

Watch this,,

"What do you mean watch this? Just give me a task!" Eda said with confusion

"No can do sister, you have to learn what it is the day of." Lilith said with amusement. 

"Fine, but seriously these are crazy!" Eda sighs

"Of course they are, that is the point!" Luz exclaims excitedly. 

The rest of the night was filled with drinks, food, and conversation. This was one of Eda's favorite nights to remember, the time it all started. To think she was going to have a productive day of yoga was a stupid thought, she should have known she would've ended up here. With her sister and 'kid' next to her, all having a good time.

Of course, this had been her favorite day, until another one would show up in the future.

Author's note:

Hello lovelies! I hope you all are doing good, and if not I hope you are getting better! I have been really overworked with school lately so I apologize for the sudden stop on things. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and there will be more to come soon! I also apologize for the chapter being shorter than usual, I mostly just had to get things covered in this chapter. If you are at all unhappy with it I apologize and hope you enjoy the next one which should be longer. 

Anyways, I hope you all have a wonderful week ahead of you, and have a good night/day/dusk/dawn 


Word count: 930

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