𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖜𝖔 (2)

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"Eda!! Luz and I are taking you out for the weekend! Pack you're things and lets go!" Lilith yells up the stairs with much excitement apparent. 

"Am I allowed to say no and continue wallowing in self pity?" Eda asked her sister

"No! It will be fun I promise. You need to get out of the house anyways." 

"Fine, as long as I get apple blood" Eda snickered while getting up to start packing

~~Time Skip~~

The group of 3 girls hop out of the car to find they have made it to their destination. They didn't end up going anywhere special, just over at Luz' place. Maybe the location was not exciting, but the conversations that would occur are going to be. 

"Where is Amity?" Lilith and Eda ask with much confusion, considering they both knew she lived with Luz.

"Oh! She is actually over at Willow's with Hunter, Gus, and Mattholomule! I decided to stay back so I could be with you, and Lilith, plus king can't be by himself!" Luz said excitedly as she loved the two females in front of her as much as she loved her friends. 

"Luz! You really didn't have to do that. I was fine by myself." Eda says with guilt laced in her voice that the others could so obviously hear. 

"No Eda, its fine! I wanted to be here." Luz exclaims making her point completely known to her mother figure. 

"Now! Let's get down to business" Lilith says signaling to Luz

"How can we ruin 'the evil ones' life?" Luz yells with a devilish smirk on her face

Lilith and Eda both were not expecting that line. Lilith told Luz to ask Eda where she wanted to eat out, not how to punish her ex-partner. What a turn of events. The two females shared a laugh and moved on to take a few sips of their apple blood. 

"I am being completely serious." Luz says with an empty expression now on her face. 

"I think Eda's ex deserves to have their life ruined, not enhanced after their horrible decision they made. I am not talking about murder, or anything. Just something that will scare them, permanently." Luz begins again with stares at the back of her head from the two others in the room. 

"Ahah! Well at least you were not planning to murder them! That is a huge relief." Eda sighs.

"Nah, murder is to easy to get away with, and an easy way out." Luz smirks again. 

Lilith and Eda once again look at each other, but this time in complete concern for their young 'child's' health. 

Eda had met Luz a long while ago, when she used to be a teacher before her new work place. 

"Ok students good morning and welcome to the first class of the day, and year!" Younger Eda exclaims with an excited tone.

All the students looked so dead inside, as if Eda had sucked the life out of them. She only saw one child who looked stocked to be there. That was Luz as she would learn quickly. She would also learn to love and cherish her quickly to.

"Now, what subject is this? Easiest question ever and after it's answered I can explain how thing's are run around here" 

Eda again, only sees a young ambitious girl raising her hand and waiting to be called on to answer. After a few more seconds of waiting and no one else out of 32 kids raising their hands Eda calls on the girl filled with excitement

"Yes? You in the middle" 

"It's art! A universal class that can be taught to any and all!" the girl exclaims, she seems so proud. 

"Correct!" Eda almost yells so everyone can hear her because of the large size of the room. 

This was the start of a new friendship that would last through the rest of their lives together. Luz would often come to Eda after school the following years to get advice on her art projects, after all Eda had quite the skill in art. Even after Luz graduated from junior high, and even high school she  still visited Eda not even for art, just to talk about growing up and life. 

During the time Luz spent with Eda they ended up visiting the library often, which is where Lilith works, also the place Luz met Amity back in the very start of 6th grade. 

Luz and Lilith meant the world to Eda and she wouldn't have chose anyone else to help her through this experience.

"So Luz, how is wedding planning going?" Eda asks with curiosity.

"Eda, we are NOT talking about weddings at all right now! We are here to have fun"

"Oh I know, but I was just asking. I also have almost a full year of wedding's ahead of me, so how do you expect me to attend all of those without bringing them up?" Eda states with less enthusiasm than her last sentence. 

"How are you holding up, Eda?" Lilith asks. 

"Yeah what a jerk, thinking you would be ok after dumping you the day before you're wedding!! Right in front of everyone too!"

Eda snorts at the last thing Luz said, knowing there is fault in her statement. 

"Actually, I got dumped in my reception house' bathroom, but thanks for thinking it was a different situation." Eda giggles. 

"Oh- th-that was not what I was told, sorry" Luz apologizes.

"Ahh no worries! Anyways, what are we doing tonight besides drinking our stomachs full of apple blood?" Eda asks. 

"Aha! Just the question I needed to be asked!" Lilith jumps up, grabs her phone and turns on music. 

This was about to be the moment Eda would regret and not regret coming. Luz joined Lilith on the 'soon to be dance floor' and stood in her stance. 

Lilith clicked play and music blasted from her phone. Luz started dancing and soon Lilith joined her. They started singing as well. What a mess that was playing out in front of Eda's eyes. She enjoyed her mess though, her sister and her 'daughter', trying their best to cheer her up with the things they were the worst at. 

Eda had never laughed so hard in her whole life. It was a fun night with some of her favorite people. She couldn't have asked for anything more, of course besides what is about to play out a day from now.

Author's note:

Wow here we are again! Chapter two (2)!! I really can't believe this has already gotten like what? 11 votes?! You guys are crazy I don't deserve this!! Again thank you for all of the support and love I have gotten! You guys are all amazing. 

Take care of yourselves and have a great Day/Night/Dusk/Dawn!! 

(HEY, Yeah you come here,,,,


Word count: 1130 words  


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