𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖎𝖛𝖊 (5)

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Extra information needed to understand this chapter:

There is a hen do in this chapter, and mentions of one. If you didn't know a hen do is In some English circles, the hen do is a weekend-long ritual of love and admiration for the bride given by her friends, who with conspiratorial help from with her fiancé, use traditional games with a dash of British quirk to create an experience that can be as emotional as the wedding itself.

To put it simply its a weekend out with the bride, bridesmaids ,and any other friends before the wedding! In some of our cases though we have 2 spouses or 2 brides, so just know they both get one, its just one is chosen to be used in the book. Ok, moving onto the actual chapter!


"I'm really sorry Eda, I know breakups are really hard! You really don't have to be here for me!" Vee exclaims while tightening her bow tie.

Mmhm, yup just the worst" Eda replies with an uncomfortable tone of voice. 

"You are so incredibly tough, of course we already knew that though" Vee laughs with a few hiccups in between giggles.

"How much have you drank and what are you drinking?" Eda asks curiously, but also carefully 

"Oh just some wine hiccup nothing much else" With a half sober half slurred tone Vee attempts to spit those words out.

"Well I don't think you should have much more, considering you might be knocked out at your own hen do!" Eda snorts looking at Vee with pure laughter and happiness.

Although Eda is struggling to keep herself together considering this is her first wedding 'event' since the breakup. She has to keep going, try her best to be there for all her friends. Everyone knows what happened, not that it wasn't supposed to be known, it's just weird being alone after all that has happened. 

"Hey let's get this thing started!" Vee happily announces with a ping pong ball and 24 cups filled with water in her hands. 

The hen do started out amazing, Vee couldn't wait to finally have her's and spend it with all these people. Luz, Amity, Eda, and Willow. All her favorite people. Of course there were more people than that there, but those people were her absolute favorites. They were always there to help Vee through anything and everything she needed.

There were lots and lots of games played that night, variety was apparent. Things from Twister, to Monopoly, it was all enjoyed and loved by everyone there. The bonding time before the wedding is always fun.

If only it could have continued in such a happy and cheerful way. By the time it hit 2 PM the hen do has been going on for quite awhile, and Eda needed some fresh air. The amount of questions she got asked about what happened with her ex, if she was ok, and how long it took her to recover were becoming to much of a burden to answer. 

She quickly left through the back door of the house trying to be sneaky, although she wouldn't really need to be considering everyone was a bit tipsy. Grabbing a cup of water on her way out of the house, she is now located in the garden area of the house. What a beautiful place it was. 

Eda struggled to control her emotions and keep calm. After all, this was very hard for her, she had to be happy and loving for everyone after being with exclusively 2 people for around 3 weeks. Of course she loved Vee, just as if she was Eda's child, but the emotions she felt were overwhelming. 

After a little while of sitting on the bench right by the flower field planted in Vee and Masha's garden, she realized someone was next to her the whole time. How did she not realize? 

It was one of Vee's friends from high school. They decided to ask Eda what was wrong, considering the flustered and emotional look on her face. 

After a long chat about what was wrong Eda was able to go back into the Hen do and finish it off strong with a game of "pin the tail to the donkey" This game was such a traditional one, the group would always play it when they went out together. 

Many of the participants didn't get it very close, but unlike others Vee was somehow very good at this game. She got it almost exactly where the donkey was! 

After a long celebration from everyone with how close Vee was, they  played another game. Full of questions, the game was called. A person sits in the chair in the middle of a circle. The names are chosen out of a hat. Everyone in the group has to ask the person in the middle a question. 

The rules were explained to the whole group by Vee and the game began. Many people had ben chosen, but this time it was Eda's turn. 

"Eda! Your turn in the middle!" Vee shouted over everyone else, so they could all hear her. 

Eda got up and sat in the chair also known as the hot seat, and the round began. Of course a ton of question were thrown around but one person finally decided on one. 

"What happened after your partner broke up with you?" The person asked, Vee stepped in and stated Eda didn't have to answer the question if she didn't want to, but Eda had a fun response to this question.

"Well let's see, I went to their house and punched them!" Eda exclaimed happily and proud of her accomplishment. 

The crowd went silent. 'Wow' was the mutual thought among everyone. Eda laughed with her snort and giggles. Soon, the whole crowd burst into applause! The support Eda gets from her friends is why she loves all of them. 

After that crazy round of fun questions to Eda, the rest of the people went and the Hen do soon ended after the game. What a fun time Eda had, it was a good distraction, and she only struggled once. Even if she was on the verge of tears and a anxiety attack, she still ended up having fun. 

Eda proudly walked out of the house after helping Vee clean up the place. Vee was very thankful for Eda's presence there, and helping her get things back to normal after everyone left. No one could have made the day better. A successful hen do happened, and that was an accomplishment in and of itself. 

A long drive home was what Eda had, but it was not the most miserable experience ever. Eda made it home safely, and jumped right int her cozy bed. She was so tired after the hen do. 

It was a good day for Eda. 


Authors note:

Thank you for reading everyone!! I really appreciate it from all of you voting and commenting.  I love seeing what you have to say about my writing and story. I really hoped you enjoyed and you are doing well. Sorry for any delay releases or long times between chapters. I am also sorry for the shorter chapters, as I am busy but I want to still release chapters best I can.

Thank you once again!

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