Chapter 3 "Plan A, B and C"

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Inie POV

At dinner in the whitebeards ship everynight has always been a party to them and this night isn't anything new

As me, my sister and Cousin went to sit down at the corner while they all danced around the table and getting drunk we decided to make plan A

"Okay what's the first plan??" I Asked

Elder Sister mumbled "well first off we need to make sure that when Thatch gets the Yami Yami no mi we HAVE to be present there at all times"

"Xynie is right...but how do we even fight back to teach should he ever attack??" Y/N asked

"There would be many ways but some will take longer process....but ones of the bestest way we can protect Thatch is throught training and getting stronger" Elder sister replied

Y/N and I nodded in agreement, it is true ...even if we did stop Teach from killing Thatch he could kill one of us instead..

Now that ain't fun so it's a No No

So what we planned to do is get stronger and if ever one of us finds a devil Fruit it would be ours to keep and eat that's one of the rules Whitebeard created when he formed this crew a long time ago

I asked Xynie and Y/N who will be the one to help us train until we saw someone walk up to us

"Eyo! What's up Ladies~?? Why are you guys in the corner this is your welcoming party you should be partying!"

Ahh perfect timing it's Ace!

I grinned and stood up shaking the drunk Ace

"Ace! Perfect timing we need your-"

I didn't get to finish until Ace fainted into my arms as we both stumbled back causing my Sister and Cousin to giggle and laugh, I glared at them and mumbled 'its not funny'

"All jokes aside I think it is best if we save the asking for help thingy tomorrow and talk to pops about it"

Y/N suggested, not even a moment later we were found by Thatch and Marco

"Oi what the hell Ace? Since when did you ever get handsy with the ladies huh?" Thatch joked as Marco just chuckled and looked at Y/N's direction

"Sorry if he caused you way too much trouble-yoi, he has a problem called narcolepsy"

"It's where a person finds it hard to sleep during peaceful environment right??" Xynie asked and Marco nodded smirking

"Hm I see your a bit of a reader yourself-yoi"

Elder sister laughed and waved it off dismissively replying that it's just one of her hobbies and not a big deal

Thatch on the other hand tried to grab the sleeping Ace away from me but it wouldn't budge as Ace kept hugging my waist while using my lap as a pillow

"That Idiot of a fire Fist" Thatch mumbled and Marco chuckled patting his shoulders

"Maybe he fell asleep at the time he went closer to this table is because he finds it peaceful~" Marco pointed out at me and Ace causing my face to heat up😭, I can feel my sister and cousin's teasing glances few inches away

"Anywho don't worry about Ace I'll take care of him you guys enjoy the party" I protested and kept on patting Ace head, Thatch and Marco looked at each other then back to me and Ace nodding and smirked

"Sure thing Just make sure he gets to his room safely later see ya~" Thatch waved goodbye, before Marco left he looked back again and smiled

"Oh and uhh good luck Inie he tends to get clingy at things or people he really  likes-yoi"


When the gentlemen left we laughed as hard as our stomach would let us and pat Inie's back

"Dude! Good luck!" Xynie chuckled while her younger sister was still in a blaze of hot fire too stunned to move at all while Ace was still clinging to her like a child

While My cousins were busy talking and arguing I saw a glimpse of Marco as he was gesturing me to get closer towards him and whispered toy ear

"What were you three planning back there-yoi~?? About the devil fruits"

I almost choked but remained calm as I held my breath looking up at Marco and answered

"We don't want to be a burden here and...we have no where else to if we grow stronger even if it'd a small progress It would still be worth it!"

Marco raised his eye brow at me and asked why, I kept looking at the man and answered with a determined face

"Don't underestimate the things women can do to protect her family"

As I answered his question his eyes widened and shocked at the moment before regaining his posture and chuckled smiling genuinely at me

"I see...well I guess you'd fit in here just fine Y/N-yoi" he grinned and patted my head before turning to the others

"Get some rest-yoi if you wanna get stronger go take a breather before blood and sweat will be spilled"

I grinned and nodded excitingly as I unconsciously hugged the doctor and went on my way back to our table on the corner

Leaving the surprised and too stunned to speak Pheonix guy

Okay! Plan A get stronger and keep an eye on Thatch, Plan B keep closer eye on Teach and Plan C...find a devil Fruit

Marco POV

As Y/N hugged me by my waist and happily went back to her cousin and sister I was too stunned to speak even when Thatch and Izou asked me if I was doing fine

"You sure Marco?? You're face is all beat up and red"  Thatch gave me a smug look

Izou on the other hand chortled and asked

"I see you too have taken a liking on one of the girls?"

I only smiled and chuckled to myself looking towards where Y/N was heading

Well ....this should be interesting-yoi

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