Chapter 8 "Suspicious"

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It has been about five months ever since our first ever training and revealed of our Haki's

That night we were all summoned by Pops and made us explain how it happened

Pops was amused and impressed and kept telling us to continue our trainings

And so we did and everyday three times a day after breakfast, lunch and dinner we continued our trainings

With or without the guys we sometimes do it alone or do it together

For the passing months Xynie hasn't been really talking all too much and would only speak up if necessary

Inie asked her about it but she just dismissed her and told Inie that she was okay

Of course we all know it wasn't true but nonetheless we kept quiet about it thinking she just needed some time to herself

The most oddest thing that caught our attention was her avoiding Izou-san

Strange...the first time they ever met they already got along but after she defeated Izou-san on a wrestling she started to distance herself from him

"Hey Y/N, how is your cousin-yoi? Is she still avoiding Izou??"

Marco walked towards me hand resting on his waist as I sighed and nodded

He shakes his head sighing to himself and chuckled

"She probably felt guilty for doing that to Izou, but she doesn't need to worry the guy is strong and is already healed up"

"Well ...tell that to her, she has been completely avoiding him for the passing months"

I sighed and sat down. Slumping my shoulders resting my head on my palm

"She just worries a lot you know? She always have felt guilty whenever she hurts someone accidentally..."

"She must have a heart of gold for caring so much" Marco chuckled sitting down next to me

I playfully scoffed and shaked my head

"Trust me when I say that she doesn't want to be complimented that way"

Marco raised an eye brow and asked why, I shrugged and looked towards the vast ocean

"I'm not so sure but...she told us once that she wanted to be praise by something she accomplished either it be in a bad or good way"

"I see, maybe she thinks that being complimented by phrases like 'having a heart of gold' is something that she felt like it doesn't fit her? maybe...she thinks she is not worthy to be called that way"

I thought at what Marco said

Maybe he has a point....maybe Xy never really thought that she is worthy to be called that way

Which is not true! That girl ...always thinking that she isn't worth it of anything

I'll have to talk to her about this soon


Inie POV

I'm getting more and more anxious about her behavior...I'm her twin for Pete's sake!

Yet she wouldn't tell me anything...she used to be so open about everything

And now?...she just acts so distant towards Y/N and ME...

Xynie...what on earth is happening what problems have caused you to shut down and isolate away from us??

As I kept overthinking over and over again I saw Teach around the dark corner of the room

Slowly I made my way towards him since he was turning his back away from me

It seems like he is fidgeting something although I have no idea what his planning at the moment but-

"Oh hey Little sis! Care to join me and eat this cranberry pie?? Thatch really makes the best ever pie!"

I was speechless and was caught off guard, but of course I wasn't going to let him notice it

It might blow our cover

As quick as I could I coughed up my dried throat and decided to play along , I awkwardly smiled and rubbed the back of my head

"Oh uhm hey Teach, why are you eating on the corner? Why don't you join in with us to the kitchen, I was about to grab some food for myself anyways"

That one wasn't technically an excuse in a way since I'am pretty hungry

My stomach has been growling for the passing hours now and I kept ignoring it to keep on training

But Ace did told me to rest for a bit and take a break so I did

I wanted to ask Xy if she could join to lunch with me, but as usual she declines and went back straight to her room...

Teach grinned and waved his hand giving out his signature laugh

"Zehahaha! No need little sis, I like the peace and quiet unlike that fire fist who seems to be very fond of you"

I was yet again shocked and his time jaw dropped

Seriously?! Even one of the Antagonist of this anime knows how to chismiss?!-

{Chismiss = Gossip}

" on earth did you know that-"

"-that Ace has a crush on you? Little sis the way he looks and acts whenever your around says it all everybody knows this already"

He laughed once more before returning to eating his meal so I left him to it

That was indeed an awkward talk between me and one of the main Villains of this series

If I didn't know any better I'd say he was a sweet and funny guy

But no.....looks can be deceiving...every single time

He may be acting all friendly...but I couldn't forget the way he glared towards me earlier before realizing it was me

His death glares if he was trying to hide from someone before murdering them

Although I already know that I just didn't want it to be that obvious just yet

Y/N said we need to keep it low for now after all...

It couldn't be him planning his plot to kill Thatch just yet right??....not yet we're still not strong enough!

I have to inform Xy and Y/N about this guys new weird behavior...

We're not about to let you kill anyone on this ship Teach

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