Chapter 4 "Operation Plan A starting!"

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I told my cousins everything that happened that night and they seem to agree just fine with it

We walked through the hallways to reach Pops at where he usually sits
(He likes it when we call him pops)

"What do you think is the reason why he summoned us so early in the morning??" Inie mumbled and whispered Xynie replied back

"It could be about what Y/N said last night about the training"

Xynie is right...but no matter what happened We will pull it through!

As I opened the door I saw all eyes were on us especially Ace, Marco and Thatch smiling and waving towards our direction

Pops was already sitting on his giant king chair and looked down on us grinning

"Gurararara! So how was your sleep my dears? Sorry if my son's are all a bit ruckus they tend to be rowdy at parties like those nights"

I smiled and shrugged it off dismissively "nah its alright let them have their fun it's a party after all"

After my reply all the response I heard was a cheer of laughter and joy
Including Pops laughing happily and proudly

"Gurarara! You do know how to have fun daughters! I like your fiesty spirits!"

Just then we saw Ace coming closer to our direction and that I only mean one thing

He's here for my dear little cousin~~

I looked at Inie as her face grew more concerned but as she realized what I meant she turned into a blushing mess

"Hey Inie! Wanna go grab some food with me??"

Inie was a bit hesitant at first but then just nodded it off and replied "sure why not?"

As they both took off I noticed how Ace grabbed her hand and ran inside

"Great! Now come on before the others eat all of it!"

Xynie and I both bursts into laughter as we saw Inie getting dragged by Ace inside the kitchen where Thatch works

"Well...this life isn't so bad after all huh" Xynie mumbled I nodded and agreed

"But we still have to look out for danger....Inie knows what she is doing"

Thatch is safe for now I think it may be one of the reasons why she let Ace dragged her away to the kitchen

Minus the fact that she also did say that as an opportunity to spend time with her Fictional Crush~ who now isn't so fictional

"She will look after Thatch for a while" Xynie added on as we both took our leave to the dining hall where everyone is seated and ate their foods

Once they saw us they cheered and cried with joy

"Hey if it isn't our little sisters! Come join us you two!!"

We saw Thatch waving at us and invited us to their table along with Inie, Ace, Marco, him and Izou

This will be the first time I actually get to talk to Izou so gotta pretend I don't know him..

Wouldn't wanna get suspicious on the first day of us as a crew member

Xynie and I went to their table and sat down

Cousin sat down beside Thatch and I and in my other side sits Marco smiling at me with a drink on his hand

"Having fun-Yoi?? This is your welcoming party after all" he chuckled and drank his sake

I nodded and smiled brightly

"Yeah we're having fun thanks to you guys" I happily replied back

"Good because this party is just getting started!!" Ace yelled and created an uproar cheer from the crowd which means more party is about to happened later tonight

"Hey Y/N was it?? I'm Izou a pleasure to meet you finally O-Y/N"

Ahh I remember Otama says it to Nami too I guess it's another unique term they use in their home country in Wano

I smiled as I reached out my hand towards Izou's and happily Shaked hands with him

"The pleasure is mine Izou-san" I replied as he chuckled and smiled

"I hope your enjoying your welcoming party Thatch here worked hard on preparing all the feist tonight"

I nodded and replied with a smile thanking Thatch for his hard work.

Just then I saw Xynie getting silent all of a sudden, she stared into my eyes and glances towards the darkest corner of the room revealed a huge man

That's him.....Marshall D. Teach...

I gulped down quietly and I noticed how Xynie gets closer to Thatch trying to protect him

Thatch looked towards her and tilted in head in confusion and concerned

"What's the matter little sis?? Got too much of the crowd??"

As too make an excuse she just nodded her head but I know that she just did it to make sure none will be suspicious of our plan

Well....maybe except Teach himself..he is a smart guy and no one dares to fight him so foolishly

Which is why I'm going to train harder and Smarter than him!....Avoiding Thatch's death means Avoiding Ace and Pops death as well...

It may change the storyline I don't know exactly how that will work but...if we can be capable of growing stronger then that means we are capable of protecting these two from Teach

We just have to be as patient as possible....and look around cautiously whenever Teach is around Thatch

He still doesn't have the Yami-Yami fruit which is good for now..

I don't know when he will get it but I hope we're gonna be at least stronger if it were to happened soon..

I should ask Marco to properly train us...maybe Izou too...those guys are insanely stronger so might as well give it a try

Alright! Operation Plan A will begin after this party ends!!

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