2 | You got me S-s-stutterin

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"What the fuckk" I hissed while laying in the cold water, Every part of my body was cold and felt like ice. It took every bone in my body not to jump out of here and make the water hot! But somehow the fact that ana told me to do it made me want to follow suit because....Well because shes ana and one day I will look like her "Siri s-set a t-timer for 2-20 minutes" I stuttered while trying to calm down. After a few minutes passed by I started to get used to it and suddenly My body felt warm 'this isnt that bad' I thought while finally closing my eyes. I was finally able to stable my breathing and suddenly I felt amazing, my body felt cold and hot at the same time but in a good way! As I rested my eyes I could see my dream body, boys actually liking me and wanting to know me, The girls at school wouldn't make fun of me while I eat, I could fit into the normal clothes, I could finally wear a miniskirt and life would be easier...Thats exactly why I had to control myself because I know I could do it.

The timer suddenly interrupted my thoughts as I was close to falling asleep, "s-siri turn timer off" I muttered in a small voice after not using it for 20 minutes, As nice as it was I still was excited to get out because I was excited to tell ana that I've done it!. I impatiently emptied the water so I could take a hot shower 'I wonder how many cals I burned from that' I thought while slightly shivering while waiting for the water to get hot.

Httpsk1ny logged off


Kaykay15: I did the workout and also took the cold bath for 20 minutes


Httpsk1ny: Good, Now i want you to look in the mirror once more, make sure to remember your problem areas that way whenever you even think of stuffing your fat face you remember to not add to the problem!! Got it

Kaykay15: Yes ana!

Httpsk1ny: Good youre free to do whatever you want!x Except stuffing your face fucking fattie

Kaykay15: I promise I wont

When I looked in the mirror I expected to be skinnier but, There my unfortunate reflection was staring at me, My baggy thighs, Huge chest, my stomach was practically covering my nonexistent thigh gap, I really needed to lose the weight, And after I looked in the mirror I made a promise to myself
That I will never eat junk again until I lose enough weight.

"Kai!!!, Where are you?!" My mom suddenly asked while I was putting my clothes on, "MOM IM CHANGING!!"
I yelled as she walked in my room, As she did that I quickly covered my body with the towel feeling too embarrassed to let her see it "Mom do you ever knock get out Im changing!!!" I whined while
Getting up to push her out my room "Are you forgetting that I gave birth to you, I changed you when you were a baby trust me I have seen everything" She chuckled "Weirdo!!" I replied slightly laughing 'she almost saw my fat body' I thought while putting on a sweatshirt and sweatpants, They were supposed to be baggy but on my body they looked
Like something kim Kardashian would wear to a cocktail party!Except on her it would look flattering , It was disgusting how tight it fit me! That just made me want to starve even more "Kai come downstairs for dinner" What a coincidence that as soon as I decide Im not eating mom wants to make dinner "MOM IM NOT HUNGRY!!, I ALREADY ATE" I yelled while stretching like ana told me "OKAY!!" She replied, Thank god my mom was not like those super strict and suspicious moms, She was always laid back and calm and everyday Im thankful
For that.

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