Hangovers, Flannel Shirts, and Great Loves

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The first thing I take notice of in my half asleep state is that the bed beside me feels cold, and I automatically frown as I reach a hand out to find that Y/N isn't in bed with me, and apparently hasn't been for a while.

Squinting one eye open, I'm immediately grateful that Y/N's old bedroom is located downstairs and that there's no huge windows or anything to let sunlight stream in. There's a solid pounding in my head, which I know those drinks from last night are to blame, and I'm thankful that I don't have to worry about the intense UV rays making this apparent hangover any worse. Honestly I could stay in bed all day at this rate, but with an obvious lack of Y/N's body heat and with today's plans, I know I'll have to get up soon.

Forcing myself to sit up, I let out a groan as my head protests the movement and reach to grab my phone that's resting on the bedside table. It's only a little past ten, so thankfully I don't need to rush around.

Something catches my attention out of the corner of my eye and I turn to see a bottle of water, some aspirin, and a note laying on Y/N's abandoned pillow. Moving the objects to the side, I can't help but smile down at the note that's written in my girlfriend's messy handwriting, the words warming my heart.

Good morning, my love! I'm outside chopping some wood for my mom. The aspirin and the water should help with the headache I know you'll have. Come find me when you're ready.

I automatically cradle the note to my chest, fully aware that I'm smiling like a love-sick fool and if anyone were to walk in on me right now they'd probably think I've completely lost it. But this note is just another reminder at how lucky I am to have someone like Y/N as my partner. I have an adorable, talented, amazing person to call my own and it's little things like this- her going out of her way to leave me some aspirin and some water that causes my heart to do this weird flip-flop thing inside my chest. She's just so sweet and caring and fuck me, I'm so in love with this woman.

Aftering taking a few aspirin and downing over half the bottle of water, I manage to force myself to my feet and dress before I venture out to try and find my girlfriend. Y/N's mother is sitting at the kitchen table when I walk in, and the older woman gives me a warm smile when she notices my presence.

"Good morning, Lizzie. Y/N said you might have a bit of a headache, so I made extra coffee if you'd like some."

Returning the smile, I make sure to pour myself an extra large cup before sitting across from the other woman at the table, humming as the warmth of the coffee slowly starts to warm my insides and helps to ebb away the pounding in my head. "She was right. Thank you."

Y/N's mother lets out a light chuckle, her attention shifting back down to the book I've noticed she's been reading every morning. "So I assume you two had your fun last night then?"

My cheeks instantly heat up as flashes from last night surge through my mind. "Oh, uh. Yes. We had a lot of fun. It was nice meeting everyone."

She certainly doesn't need to know that I might have gotten a little possessive and jealous and fucked her daughter in the public bathroom of a busy club last night.

Nope. We can leave that little piece of information out.

"I'm glad you both had fun. I know these past few months have been a little stressful on the both of you, so it's good that you two are able to get out and enjoy yourselves."

My stomach can't help but lurch as I'm, once again, reminded that just a few months ago the woman I love more than anything in this world had been brutally attacked and had almost died. It's not something I can just forget, and while my therapy sessions have been helping me with it all, it still manages to shake me to my core that I could have lost Y/N that day. Sometimes it hits me, just these brief reminders of how close that knife could have hit her heart.

Tethered (Book Two of The Invisible String Series)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα