We'll Be Okay (Again)

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Lizzie POV

The last two days have seemed to pass by quicker than anyone of us expected or even wanted, really. Which fucking sucks because I really don't know how I'm going to survive Y/N being gone for so long.

Realistically I know it's not like we're saying goodbye forever, and that there will be times where we'll actually see each other in person, it's just like there's something there at the back of my mind that keeps begging me to keep her here with me forever.

Maybe it's because we're engaged now, or maybe because I'm still trying to move past the incident that almost took her away from me forever. I'm not sure, but it's annoying the living shit out of me. And Y/N, as perfect as she always is, has humored me clinging to her for the past two days and reassured me that everything is going to be okay. I know we are, I'm just going to miss her annoying ass so much.

I am, however, looking forward to seeing her up on stage in her element. I haven't had the chance to see the band perform live yet since they were so focused on getting the new album out when we'd first met, and after that she was forced to take a break due to her injuries. I've seen videos. I mean I spent that first week after we met watching YouTube videos of the band and just fawning over her, but I haven't experienced that in person yet. But I've come to realize that hearing Y/N sing has become one of my favorite things. She usually walks around the house softly singing to herself, or I'll catch her singing along to the radio when we're in the car and it takes me by surprise every time I hear her voice. So I'm really looking forward to the live-stream they're doing of these shows that I plan on watching every week, and for the few shows I'll get to attend in person later on.

I'm a total sap, I know, but my fiancee is fucking talented and I like seeing her so happy when she's singing. Sue me. Plus, I just know that watching her play the guitar is going to drive me fucking crazy. That shit is hot.

Basically to sum it all up, I've been trying not to pout and wallow in my own self-pity because she's leaving today and the last thing I want to do is spend these last few hours together in tears or acting like the clingy mess that I know I am.

I just know I'm going to miss moments like this one I've found myself in right now, where I'm watching Y/N and Liv are singing and dancing around the kitchen like absolute goofballs while Billy Joel's Uptown Girl blares through the many speakers we have set up around the house. I should have been annoyed about being woken up at such an early hour by that, and maybe I would have- before Y/N and I met, but how can I be when they both look so carefree and happy? Both of my girls have been through so much shit, and they've both turned out to be such amazing and caring people. I can't bring myself to ever be annoyed by that.

So instead, I just smile and watch as the two have their little impromptu dance session and think about how amazing my life has become if this is what I get to look forward to for the rest of my life.

Y/N must have finally noticed me watching their moment from the doorway of the kitchen, because the smile on her face as our eyes connect makes my heart flutter around in my chest like crazy as she walks over towards me, still singing along to the lyrics of the song.

"...and when she's walking, she's looking so fine. And when she's talking, she'll say that she's mine."

I can't help but let out a laugh as the younger woman pulls me into her arms and I'm basically forced to join in on the dancing. I'm not about to complain, though, because my heart feels so full right now and I'll gladly awkwardly dance alongside the woman of my dreams and our daughter for the rest of the morning if they asked me to.

Our dance party is interrupted by the arrival of the rest of the band's members, the group having agreed to pick Y/N up last, but they don't even bat an eyelash at us and instead join in for the last of the song's chorus. I'm sure we all look like a sight, our kitchen packed with friends and family, but oh well.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21 ⏰

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