Matt- so this is the end? | Pt. 1

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So, this is the end? We didn't make plans for the future just for them to get thrown away.

I couldn't get myself to get used to this feeling of waking up in the morning without him by my side. Matt sturniolo was my Person. Or so I thought.

He was the person I imagined a future with, the last person I want to see before my tired eyes shut and the first person I see when the sun comes back up.

But this time, he was the person I no longer knew. The person I never planned anything with. His new and over mature self had me so worried I forgot about the young and clueless boy I fell in love with. The boy I fell in love with would never do this to me. The boy I fell in love with would kiss my forehead while bringing me coffee in the morning or open the door for me when we went to a fancy restaurant.

He was no longer that person though, and I knew I couldn't change him. I would never be able to bring his old self back. My presence wasn't enough for Matt and I had to somehow learn to except that.

The sun creeped up into my windows brightening up my room as I melted into my bed, not wanting to get up. I had no interest in leaving my house let alone my bed. I tried my best to go back to sleep, trying not to think about the situation that happened the night before.

The night before.

I walked into the cafe sab invited me to. Sab was my friend from highschool and was also the only person I kept any touch with.

"Y/n there's something I have to tell you." She looked regretful and her smile that was usually plastered on her face was extinct.

"Yeah of course. Is everything okay?" I asked concerned.

I would soon regret ever asking. I wish my future self would stop me right then and there and pull me away from this situation before it kept going.

"I- I slept with Matt." She said tears threatening to drop any second.

"M- Matt? Like my boyfriend Matt?" I asked with a shocked expression.

"Please y/n Don't get mad. I regret the whole thing so much. We just got carried away, we were drunk and had no intentions of hurting you." She tried to convince me.

"No. Fuck this. You can't switch this up and say it was a fucking accident because you can't accidentally fuck someone sab! Let alone your best friends boyfriend!" I yelled.

I grabbed all my things and immediately ran to my car. I opened the car door and immediately slammed it closed. I bursted out crying with my head hanging low on my steering wheel.

As I cried, my thoughts from this morning then rushed in. I remembered how Matt's body language completely changed from the night before.

He didn't speak a word and when he left I tried saying bye but he shut the door before I could say anymore. All of this made complete sense. It explained why Matt didn't talk to me all morning.

I felt my tears come out heavier and my vision soon got more and more blurry. I turned the key to my car and started driving home. I knew when I got home I would have to face Matt. Even though I wasn't completely ready to talk to him, I knew I would have to now or later. I just needed to get it over with.

"Hey baby. H- oh. What's wrong? Are you okay?" He asked almost concerned but I didn't believe his emotion since I just found out he cheated on me.

"Don't ask me what's wrong Matt. You fucking cheated on me?" I said with tears dripping down my face.

"W- what? What the hell do you mean?" He said rather confused then sorry.

"You know exactly what the fuck I'm talking about Matt! Don't try to act innocent." I yelled.

"Y/n, I would never in a fucking lifetime cheat on you! You know that. I love you too much to ever do that to you!" He replied still with a shocked face.


I Never let him finish what he said. I didn't feel like hearing his sorry excuses. He fucked my best friend and tried to get out of it.

I didnt want to get up. If I got up I would stress and cry but if u stay in bed I'm gonna think about it and cry even more. I shouldn't do this to myself. I don't need to cry over this shit, I did nothing to deserve any of this.

I pushed my comforter off of me and got up. My head ached from all my unwanted thoughts. I felt disgusting in myself as of right now. I needed a change, it didn't have to be a big one but something needed to change. I started off my day with a nice warm shower. I wanted to try and cleanse the negativity that is in my life right now.

I felt proud of myself for at least getting out of bed instead of soaking in my hurtful thoughts and reminders of last night. I looked at my phone and saw there was 53 messages and 23 miss calls from Matt. My heart ached seeing all of the unread messages he sent to me. I didn't bother opening them and reading the lane excuses he would put in my head.

I slammed my phone on the counter and got dressed. I put on some grey nike sweatpants and one of Matt's old zip ups he left here a while ago. I didn't notice it was his until I looked in the mirror and seen the white Nike logo in the corner of the sweatshirt, though I didn't bother taking it off.

I slipped on my air forces and grabbed my car keys. I walked out of my house and thought of things I could do to give myself a little change. The first thought I came up to was a tattoo.

I drove to a tattoo shop thinking of what I should get, then it came to me. I knew exactly what I was gonna get.
"There you go. We are finally finished." The artist told me.
I looked at my wrist and seen the tattoo.

I read the tattoo.

One thing about me is that I love the stars. They are so far away but look so close. They are big from up close but so small in our eyes. Matt and I used to always stargaze. We had a little spot by his house where we layed on a small hill and looked up at the stars. We promised each other to never show anyone that spot, from there on we called it 'OUR spot.'

Even after everything that happened. The cheating, the fight, the texts, I will keep every promise I have ever made to Matthew until the day I take my last breath. I would never in a lifetime tell anyone the things he told me if they were private or public, its not my story to say. Even though he might do the exact opposite, I would never be that hypocritical.
I looked down to see a message from
Maybe he doesn't know about the break up yet. I looked down to see what he had said,
"Y/n, please call Matt. He told us everything yesterday but I believe you didn't let him finish what he was going to say."

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