ASV Chapter 18: The Protagonist's Mood

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Translator: Chrysanthemum Bud

When Qin Kaiyi woke up, he felt his head hurt so much it would burst. When he opened his eyes, he found himself lying on dry grassland in an unfamiliar place.

"No way..." Holding his head while crawling up from the ground, Qin Kaiyi's mouth twitched. He was planning to wait for the gust of wind to blow the rest of his team away so that he could use his knowledge of the surrounding environment to hide. He didn't think that Yan Buxuan, this unaccounted-for variable, would take him somewhere he had no knowledge of.

Unfamiliarity equals hidden danger. Qin Kaiyi checked the equipment on his body and finally let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Yan Buxuan didn't move his storage ring and bracelet. So why did he bring him here, and where did he go now?

Full of doubts, Qin Kaiyi carefully observed his surroundings. Where he was now was different from the jungle that he had just left. In front of him lay a relatively open grassland, and there was a clear river not far away. Qin Kaiyi thought it was a good place to station himself. Did Yan Buxuan do this for his own good...?

Reality proved that Qin Kaiyi was too naive, because just when he looked around, a familiar voice rang out behind him: "Don't move." Along with this voice came the sensation of a sharp weapon pressing against his own neck.

Shen... Fei... Xiao... Qin Kaiyi felt dazed when he heard this voice. No matter how he turned it over in his head, he could not think of why Shen Feixiao would appear here and also use a sharp weapon to restrain him.

Shen Feixiao seemed to understand Qin Kaiyi's surprise. He sneered: "You didn't expect it."

"..." Qin Kaiyi nodded silently, he was a little worried that Shen Feixiao would kill him just like this.

"Relax, I won't kill you." Seeing Qin Kaiyi's worry, Shen Fei's voice carried mocking overtones: "How could I dare to kill shixiong."

Qin Kaiyi felt that there was something not quite right about that sentence.

"Raise your hands and squat down. Hurry up." The protagonist was obviously different from the villain. There was no verbose and fraudulent monologue, and he cut straight to the point: "Although I don't want to kill shixiong, this sword has no eyes."

Qin Kaiyi said nothing and crouched down obediently. In fact, if he wanted to escape he could do so easily. He could twitch a lip and resolve this matter, but without knowing why, he just wanted to see to what extent this little baby Shen Feixiao hated him.

Seeing Qin Kaiyi squat down obediently, Shen Feixiao fished out a black pill from goodness knows where, and held it out to the side of Qin Kaiyi's mouth: "Swallow."

"What is this??" With panic in his voice, Qin Kaiyi deeply embodied the alarm of a villain being threatened. Of course, no one would know that at this moment he was internally ridiculing his own novel–really too cliche...

"You'll know once you eat it." Shen Feixiao didn't give Qin Kaiyi the opportunity to refuse, suddenly thrusting the ball into Qin Kaiyi's mouth. Watching Qin Kaiyi swallowing it with his own eyes, he sneered: "This is the Rotting Heart Pill. If you don't take the antidote I give you on a regular basis, your heart will break apart and you will die. If you don't believe me, why don't you try poking three inches under your rib."

"..." Qin Kaiyi at this moment greatly disdained his own dog blood plot. Your mom, why did this rotten overused plot appear using his own body ahhhhhhhhh, and concerning this three inches below the ribs something or other, even if he poked it without having taken medicine it would still hurt!!! Of course, Qin Kaiyi would never outwardly express his collapsing mental state. He only feigned horror as he poked his own ribs, and said with great alarm: "Shen Feixiao you really poisoned me!!"

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