ASV Chapter 58

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Translator: Chrysanthemum Bud

The place where Hua Lian Sect was located was extremely remote. Although this demonic sect had branches everywhere, the main location had always been a mystery. Only after Qin Kaiyi and Zi Yangpei arrived at Hua Lian Sect, did Qin Kaiyi realize why the main branch had never been discovered.

The reason was actually very simple. This evil cult that was rejected by the righteous path was located under a bottomless canyon. Even with Zi Yangpei's strength, he took almost half a day to fly down with Qin Kaiyi.

Qin Kaiyi didn't know why the Hua Lian Sect was built here. In his memory, the impression of this demonic sect was really not too deep.

Zi Yangpei apparently saw the astonishment in Qin Kaiyi's expression. He didn't find it strange, and instead opened up his expression and smilingly said, "Don't look at the unmatched remoteness of this gorge, but this is where many spiritual points are assembled. The speed of your cultivation here will be unmatched by your time in the Lingshan Sect. If not for your natural demonic body, why would I bring you here?"

"Is that it?" Qin Kaiyi looked pensive. He definitely felt spiritual qi becoming denser and denser, and this spiritual qi seemed purer than what was naturally produced in the spaces between heaven and earth.

"Of course." Zi Yangpei's face was full of lofty pride.

After a few shichen (T/N: 1 shichen = 2 hours), they finally flew to the bottom of the valley. Zi Yangpei only then released the hand he had been constantly squeezing in his grip. He straightened out the clothes that had become a little messy due to the high speed of their travel, and hung a smile on his face that looked like a mask. He led Qin Kaiyi towards the depths of the canyon.

Qin Kaiyi knew that the Zi Yangpei in front of him didn't have the intent to harm him, so he was not too vigilant. He instead observed the strange scenery around him with interest.

He saw that the valley was full of rugged and strange rocks, as if formed by the weathering of bitingly cold wind and rain. A clay-yellow cliff was covered with strange stones. These stones were oddly shaped–some like roaring male lions, others like eagles longing for flight. Though these stones created a sight that clearly should have been formed by natural means, it made Qin Kaiyi, who was walking at the long and narrow bottom of the gorge, inexplicably feel an intense anticipation for war.

"This is a great battle that happened in the past. It's the edge of those ancient battlefields." Zi Yangpei noticed Qin Kaiyi's unnatural expression, and gave a slow explanation: "Those stone obelisks have the remnants of sword intent left by ancient Daoist immortals from tens of thousands of years ago. It's good for cultivation."

Qin Kaiyi listened to this and let slip a surprised look. He didn't expect that this guy Zi Yangpei could find even this kind of a place.

Zi Yangpei didn't care about Qin Kaiyi's doubts this time, and just fell silent.

"Here we are." It wasn't clear how long they walked before Zi Yangpei led Qin Kaiyi to a sudden stop in front of an inconspicuous stone wall. With a wave of his hand, it seemed that he had pulled aside a curtain that was covering Qin Kaiyi's eyes. Hua Lian Sect's main helm suddenly appeared in front of Qin Kaiyi.

It was a group of buildings that couldn't be described by words. The richly ornamented walls and delicate eaves brought the martial elegance and grace of the gardens in Jiangnan and Suzhou. These edifices seemed to be suspended in midair atop the canyon, with their structures appearing to extend to the two sides of the stone walls. The land these buildings occupied couldn't be seen in its entirety with a glance. These constructions just like this brought a sort of "pretty daughter from a humble family" kind of feeling, firmly rising upwards from their dusty environment. In this incomparably barren, deep valley, this kind of contrast gave Qin Kaiyi a feeling of astonishment that couldn't be expressed with language.

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