ASV Chapter 77: Leaving the Soul

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Translator: Chrysanthemum Bud

Ziyang Pei's little brother Ziyang Shi had been sleeping for thousands of years because of the godly Gu insect, and his life which should have been prematurely extinguished was maintained by Tang Shayun.

The godly insect was male, and the Feng Shen was female. This time Shen Feixiao was looking for a Gu insect named Feng Shen.

This kind of insect was extremely difficult to develop. If Shen Feixiao hadn't spent six years with his shifu Yu Hong, he would not know that Yu Hong had raised one.

Feng Shen ah, Feng Shen. As this gu insect's name implied, once this kind of insect was in a person's body, it could reverse that person's state of mind. It could manipulate that person's likes and dislikes. But the reason why Shen Feixiao went to find this gu insect... was not to make Qin Kaiyi like himself.

He had his pride, and he would never use this kind of thing to force Qin Kaiyi; not to mention that he had never extravagantly demanded that Qin Kaiyi should like him. From a long time ago, Shen Feixiao already knew that he only wanted Qin Kaiyi to accompany him.

Whether it was hate or love, Shen Feixiao didn't care how Qin Kaiyi viewed himself. What he cares about was that he could hold Qin Kaiyi firmly in his hand and let him always stay with him.

And the reason Shen Feixiao went to find the Feng Shen Gu was for another of the Feng Shen Gu's effects. The one who bestowed the Feng Shen Gu and the one who bore it would have their lives linked together. Even after death, their souls would not separate.

Shen Feixiao took hold of the wooden box in his hand, and his expression was indifferent. If something really happened to Qin Kaiyi, he could not imagine how he would react.

"Why did you ask me to ask for this Gu insect?" After not seeing him for a long time, Yu Hong still didn't change. He observed Shen Feixiao's silence and sighed heavily: "You do know that once you use this Gu insect, there will be no way to go back."

"I know." Shen Feixiao's eyes were no longer purple, with only a thick black remaining within them: "I hope shifu will help me to accomplish this."

"I would like to, but you also won't look at what this really is." Yu Hong smiled bitterly: "Feixiao... why do you bother, I see that your shixiong does not necessarily have good intentions towards you... "

"No." Shen Feixiao calmly smiled. "He won't threaten me with this."

"... Ok." Yu Hong knew Shen Feixiao's temperament very well. He looked at the disciple who was a head taller than him by a head. He could hardly say anything, and sighed: "Take it."

"Thank you, shifu." Yu Hong was probably someone who would stand on his side no matter what the situation was. Shen Feixiao held the sturdy wooden box with his hands and said indifferently: "If there is a next life, disciple will be cattle and serve as a horse..." (T/N: meaning he will obey his orders and willingly serve him).

"That's enough." Yu Hong rubbed his eyes tiredly with his hands and sighed: "It seems that Xue Xian can't escape the fate of those secret skills being lost in the end... Feixiao, I won't say much more, you look for happiness and fortune on your own. From now on... you don't have to come here."

"Yes." Shen Feixiao still had no expression when he heard this sentence. He knew why Yu Hong would treat him like this... he had brought it on himself.

He didn't say any unnecessary words. Shen Feixiao received the Gu insect from Yu Hong and pushed the door open to leave. The priceless Feng Shen Gu in his arms already represented Yu Hong's friendship with him, but he still didn't accept this feeling.

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