ASV Chapter 22: Eat

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Translator: Chrysanthemum Bud

After their conversation, Qin Kaiyi and Shen Feixiao fell silent and still, and the rushing sounds of the rain made the whole cave feel unusually peaceful.

Qin Kaiyi sat next to the fire, absent-mindedly observing the curtains of droplets outside the cave. His relaxed body became a little drowsy because of fatigue. He pressed his hand against his temple, thinking to wake up a bit. Using his peripheral vision to sweep his gaze over at Shen Feixiao, he discovered that the person beside him had actually dozed off.

Not easy, not easy at all... This scene in front of him completely drove away his urge to sleep. Qin Kaiyi looked at Shen Feixiao with fascination, watching his head dip from time to time as he attempted to continue propping it up. Qin Kaiyi felt his mood inexplicably brighten.

Qin Kaiyi didn't speak, but added fuel to the campfire. Shen Feixiao's behavior was too unlike that of a 12-year-old child's. One could only see the shadow of a child's likeness in him when he was injured or fatigued. Qin Kaiyi couldn't help but remember Shen Feixiao's reaction after he himself heavily beat him. He sighed lowly, watching Shen Feixiao sleeping against the wall and squinting, eventually falling asleep.

"Really not cute." Muttering to himself in a small voice, Qin Kaiyi took out some clothes from his storage ring, before walking over and covering Shen Feixiao's body. The eggplant sleeping in Shen Feixiao's arms squinted as Qin Kaiyi walked over, and then he opened his eyes and looked at Qin Kaiyi. After he discovered that Qin Kaiyi was not malicious, he closed his eyes and continued to sleep. This was indeed an immortal beast. Qin Kaiyi tsked and increased his own vigilance, thinking that the spirit beast could qualify as a police dog.

Shen Feixiao frowned a little when the clothes fell on his body, but he quickly relaxed. After entering the secret realm, he had been tense without pause. After being rained on and finally eating something, his strength and body somehow wouldn't hold on any longer. Although he had expressed skepticism to the mysterious man who suddenly appeared in front of him, he made one conclusion that was good enough... this person would not hurt him.

It didn't matter if the other just regarded him as a toy or had other intentions. Shen Feixiao knew that the masked man wasn't looking to harm him. With this understanding, Shen Feixiao finally relaxed and entered into a deep sleep.

Qin Kaiyi saw Shen Feixiao fall asleep. Although he was tired now, it was obviously an unwise choice for both of them to fall asleep in such a dangerous jungle. He thought for a bit and then fished out a small bottle of wine from his storage ring, drinking mouthfuls of it until he finished.

It has been almost half a year since he came to this world. If he said he didn't miss home that would definitely be false. Qin Kaiyi couldn't change this fact no matter how free and easy he acted on normal days. He missed home; he really missed it.

He missed the spicy and numbing fish cooked by his father, the nagging of his mother that he once hated, and his own disastrously messy little room. In his past world, Qin Kaiyi never had to worry about losing his life, not to mention the disgusting sound of the system prompts.

After thinking for a while, Qin Kaiyi shook his head vigorously. He knew that this wasn't the right time to be sentimental. Using the time that Shen Feixiao was sleeping, he could study what Zi Yangpei had given him.

So Qin Kaiyi first took out one of Zi Yangpei's rare books. He carefully read the contents, and then let out a sigh of relief in his heart. It seemed that demonic cultivation was not as difficult as he had imagined.

He didn't know if the books Zi Yangpei gave him were special or if demonic cultivation was always like that, The book elaborated on the difference between spiritual qi and demonic qi, and gave a method for converting spiritual qi into demonic qi. After thinking for a while, Qin Kaiyi realized why the difference in cultivation speed between regular cultivation and demonic cultivation would be so vast.

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