ASV Chapter 41

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Translator: Chrysanthemum Bud

(T/N's reminder: Please read the tags and do not proceed if you are uncomfortable.)

The day of departure had a clear and sunny morning.

Qin Kaiyi filled his storage ring with all kinds of daily necessities, and Yan Gu still obediently stuck to his face as usual. However, after Shen Feixiao appeared, he never spoke again.

It seemed that others were anxious about Qin Kaiyi's physical condition. They did not directly use hand seals to leave. Instead, like people in the secular world, they used carriages as means of transportation.

Qin Kaiyi knew exactly what his condition was, and he didn't try to be brave. He and Shen Feixiao sat in the same carriage. They almost didn't speak to each other at all, except for the perfunctory greetings when Shen Feixiao first entered the carriage.

He couldn't talk with Yan Gu, and Shen Feixiao was not some great conversation partner. Feeling all kinds of bored, Qin Kaiyi had to take out a book called "Foreign Body Records" and slowly read it. It was not comfortable to ride a carriage for a long time. Not only was it stifling, he also had to contend with the bumps on the road. Before long Qin Kaiyi felt uncomfortable to the point of panicking. After studying for a long time, he found that his symptoms were like motion sickness...

He never felt dizzy when he was in cars before. Qin Kaiyi's face went bitter. He felt that his stomach was tumbling, and that he could spit out everything in his gut if he just opened his mouth.

"Shixiong, are you uncomfortable?" Shen Feixiao, who had been sitting beside Qin Kaiyi, said suddenly.

"En." He reluctantly answered. Qin Kaiyi wasn't particularly interested in conveying his current state to Shen Feixiao. He knew his position in Shen Feixiao's heart at this time, and he knew that there was no possibility of reconciliation between them.

"Are you feeling uncomfortable?" Shen Feixiao whispered softly. The young man's voice also had some hoarseness from his adolescent voice changing. His face could still be counted as childish, and held an expression Qin Kaiyi didn't understand.

"..." Qin Kaiyi closed his eyes, then nodded slightly.

"Stop the carriage!" Contrary to Qin Kaiyi's expectations, Shen Feixiao walked out directly to the coachman of their carriage: "Shixiong is not comfortable, stop first."

What did Shen Feixiao mean by this? Qin Kaiyi would never believe that Shen Feixiao stopping the carriage was for his sake. He harbored suspicions about what Shen Feixiao wanted to do.

"The rest of you go first. Shixiong and I will stay behind," Shen Feixiao said to the other Lingshan Sect disciples who came up around him. "When shixiong is better, we will catch up quickly."

Qin Kaiyi's whole person was dizzy. He leaned against the wall of the carriage and wanted to vomit but was afraid of soiling the floor.

Fortunately, Shen Feixiao quickly helped his incapacitated self out. The moment he stepped on the ground outside, Qin Kaiyi immediately spit out all the things in his stomach.

"Shixiong, here." Shen Feixiao stood beside Qin Kaiyi, watching Qin Kaiyi's pallid face as he vomited. He stared at Qin Kaiyi for a while, seeming to be observing something. After seeing Qin Kaiyi looking up, he handed him a handkerchief.

"... Thank you." The uncomfortable feeling finally relieved after vomiting, Qin Kaiyi took the handkerchief and wiped the filth off his mouth: "I'm fine, let's keep going."

"Shixiong." In response to Qin Kaiyi's words, Shen Feixiao said softly: "After you fell into the water in the secret realm, where did you go after?"

"..." Qin Kaiyi gave Shen Feixiao a puzzled look, not quite understanding why he asked this question.

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