Part 13 - The Screams

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- Why is Red screaming for help? TSC asks Green as they get up from the table.
- I have no idea.. Green replies as the walk out of the room.

Victim and Yellow look at each other. When is Red coming back? It's been 2 minutes, it can't take that long, right?

Red is rolling on the ground holding is head.
Not now, not now, not now.
He can't loose himself yet. There must be some way to save him.
- Not.. YET.. Red screams as the pressure gets stronger.

As Victim and Yellow get into the house they already see Green and TSC on the way up on the stairs.
- Let's follow them up, Victim says and they follow Green and TSC.
As they get up to the room, they hear Red scream louder. Something is definitely wrong.

The Hole 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant