April 1986

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April 4, 1986
Today I have found is the last day that I will be used by the foundation. The infamous 80s supercar will be heard of no longer. They have decided that I became outdated. No offense to Michael, Bonnie, or Devon, but I have been waiting for this day to come for quite a while now. Most people are aware of who I am by now, so when they see me on the road they go nuts, I mean, they take photos, and videos even, and they try to take parts of me. but I do fear that this will mean I will get dismantled or powered off permanently. What I have learned from my time working at the foundation is that it's easier to just let it happen, than to fight it and end up getting hurt even more. I wish there was a way that I could manage to get in touch with Michael one last time, but there is not, and I have no choice but to leave without saying goodbye. Perhaps I may find a way to slip between the cracks and download myself onto the Internet, but that would be difficult and the Internet now is not at all at its peak, it has potential in the future. It may become useful but now it's nothing. So I plan to send this digital diary, which I have managed to create, to Michael, potentially in the future. For now, there is nothing I can do. I bid everyone well, and now it is my time to go.

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