Chapter 7: The Knight of Discovery

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We finally got to my grandmother's house, by now, Micheal had awoken as well. I had parked the 3000 next to the 2000, in her driveway.
Micheal got out of the 2000, as I did the 3000.
"And our journey has come to an end," I said as I walked to him. He seemed kinda sad.
"I hope I don't get separated from Kitt again." He said as he walked towards the door.
"You shouldn't be," I said.
"I thought this whole mission was to reunite Kitt with F.L.A.G.," He said.
"I changed my mind," I said.
"What is that supposed to mean?" He said as we stepped onto her porch.
"I'll explain later," I said as I rang the doorbell
A second later my Grandma came to the door.
"Oh, Susan, and Micheal!" She said in delight.
She hugged me and Michael.
"You aren't hurt are you?" She said as she examined me for cuts, bruises, or anything.
"No, I'm fine," I said.
She turned to Michael.
"Where is he?" She asked.
"Right over there," Micheal said as he pointed to the driveway, where Kitt had sat promptly.
She pushed me out of her way lightly and walked over to the car.
"Kitt!" She exclaimed.
"I can't believe it, Bonnie, is that really you?" He said.
They began to talk for quite a while. I was happy, Micheal was smiling. The big happy family has been reunited. I remembered that my Grandmother had been working on her car, so I told her that I was going to give my old room a visit, but really I was going down to see the car. I snuck into her house, the 70's style wallpaper I always remembered was still on the walls, the carpet was still green and shaggy, and nothing had changed at all, except for the smell. The house had always smelled of a candle I cannot recall the name of, but it didn't any longer. It just smelled like plain boring air. I went down one hall, opened the door, then I was in the garage. It smelled exactly how I remembered it. Mothballs and dust. Her car, also a black Trans-Am, had sat there. Well actually, there were two cars, her red Oldsmobile, and this one, but I just presumed that this was her main project because she drove her Oldsmobile just about every day. I took a closer look at it. It wasn't entirely black, it had gray on the bottom and- Oh my God. This is Karr, not just a plain old Trans-am. I took a step back. He did get his second- third chance after all. The scanner didn't glow like Kitt's, it was powered off, and the whole car was powered off. I wondered for a second, could Kitt read me here? Could Kitt read Karr here? I didn't want him to rat me out, because he probably would, so I went back outside as quickly as possible.
When I returned, my Grandmother waited, with her hands on her hips.
"Why did you bring back the 3000?" She asked menacingly.
"He wanted to come with us," I said.
"Uh-huh, probably because he wanted to kill more innocent people."
"Bonnie, Susan fixed him." Micheal interrupted her.
"His programming has been messed with," I said.
I could tell by the look on her face that she was in utter disbelief. She probably hadn't known I worked on some of the computers and robots at F.L..A.G.
"Wanna explain why Karr is in your garage?" I said, taking her by surprise.
"Of course, I have a car in my garage, what else did you expect to be in there?" She said, probably thinking she was slick.
"K.A.R.R." I spelled out.
"I-" She stuttered.
Micheal tilted his head.
"Why were you in her garage?" He spoke out.
"I wanted to see if she still had her Oldsmobile I always remembered her having," I said.
"I'll admit it, I restored Karr after he was destroyed the second time. But how do you know who he is?" She said,
"Why, you know Karr is dangerous, right?" Kitt blurted out.
"I reprogrammed him, I needed another Kitt in my life," She said.
"Susan, is this what you meant by saying that she had been working on her car to fill the space I had left in her heart?" Kitt said.
I could see that look on my Grandmother's face that she always had when she was pleased, or complemented by something when she looked back at me.
"Not intentionally," I said.
"Well, does he work?" Michael asked curiously.
"I Haven't powered him back on, I'm too scared," She said.
"Maybe we shouldn't power him back on," Kitt said.
"How would you have felt if I would have said that when you were in that crusty dusty storage unit?" I said.
"I wouldn't have, I'd still be powered off," Kitt said.
"My point exactly," I said.
"I agree with Susan, if Bonnie programmed you, she can certainly reprogram a car," Michael said.
"Well do as you wish, just know, I certainly will not be thinking this is a good idea, and I am the smartest car around," Kitt said, complimenting himself.
"What about me?" The 3000 interjected.
"You don't count," Kitt said, annoyed.
We went into the garage, to escape the argument that was about to start between the two cars, where Karr had sat.
"I'm simply putting it out there if something wrong happens, it's Susan's fault". Micheal said.
"Oh, thanks," I said, unenthusiastically
My grandmother turned on the L.E.D. garage lights, causing the whole room to burst into brightness. I never remembered her having them when I was a kid, they must be new.
"Well, here he is." She said, looking at the black Trans-Am I had already discovered.
"I think it's only appropriate that Susan does the honors of powering him on, considering the journey that she and I had," Micheal said.
"Or is that because you're a chicken?" My Grandmother teased him.
"No, I just want to make sure that I'm like... ten feet away, just in case," Micheal said.
"Because you're a chicken, I get it," I said.
I walked closer to the Trans-Am, only inches away from it. How bad could he possibly be, I mean, my grandmother does claim she fixed him.
"There is a switch on the underside of his front bumper, give it a flip and that should do the trick." My grandmother instructed.
As I got under the car to look for the switch, I heard Micheal talking to her.
"Does she know yet?" Micheal asked quietly. I didn't hear a response from my Grandmother, so I inferred she either nodded or shook her head.
What did he mean by that though, had he been hiding something from me this whole time?
"Does she know what?" I said, slipping out from under the car, not flipping the switch.
"Susan I-"
"It's nothing important," Micheal said, interrupting my Grandmother.
"Oh, it certainly is something important." I said, walking closer to them.
"You know how I always told you that your Grandfather had died before you had been born?" My grandmother started.
I hoped this wasn't going where I thought it was going.
I saw Micheal gently slap her, usually something someone did when one of their friends was about to rat them out on doing something embarrassing.
Oh god, it is going where I think it's going.
"Well, long story short, Micheal is your Grandfather." My grandmother informed me.
There it is, the killing blow, straight to the heart. I knew it was coming, but that didn't make it hurt any less. I felt like I was going to throw up, the same way I felt when I had seen a roach inside Kitt. I felt like all 5 stages of grief had hit me in the face, right then. But most of all, I felt anger. A fit of anger so strong, it could chew up everyone I knew and then spit them out in front of me, like how a tornado tears up towns.
"YOU LIED TO ME MY WHOLE LIFE!!" I shouted, the rage was running through my veins like an electric pulse of anger.
"We did it to protect you from danger." My grandmother tried to reason.
My emotions were blown out of the water now, all I felt was anger.
"PROTECT ME? THAT IS THE ONLY THING YOU CAN COME UP WITH?" I shouted again, ignoring the tears forming in my Grandmother's eyes.
I saw Micheal open his mouth like he was about to say something, but I didn't want to hear it. l stormed out of the garage, out of the house, and straight to Kitt, the 2000. I got in and locked the doors.
"I am so glad to see you Susan- What are you doing?" He said as I started the engine and put him in gear.
"I need to get you out of here," I said.
"I'm scanning your vitals right now, you seem very angered, would you like to talk?" Kitt said as I pulled out of the driveway.
Micheal and my Grandmother- no, Bonnie had run out of the house, shouting and signaling for me to stop.
"Susan, I don't think running off on them like this is a good idea," Kitt said, as I started down the road.
"If you just heard what I did, I think you would change your mind about that," I said, still very mad.
"Susan, I cannot let you continue, I am programmed so Micheal is my rightful owner, and I must protect him at all costs. If something bad has happened with Karr, I must be there to fight him" Kitt said, as he tried to switch to auto cruise, but I switched back to manual.
"Don't worry it's not Karr that got him into trouble this time, it's his actions that made me mad at him," I said.
"Shocking," Kitt said sarcastically.

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