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To the distance appeared islands. So many Islands. Reefs surrounding the islands. The Metkayina clan, as my father calls it. The Clan upon the reefs Neteyam looked in front to see Tuk, almost on the edge of the banshee, with one of Netiri's hands securing her from falling off. Neteyam looked over to Kiri, who looks bored, or somewhat disappointed. 

Below, the sea shone a dark blue, unable to see what lies in, except when they reached the reef. The sea turned more of a lighter turquoise. Neteyam saw small specks of people in the sea with what seems to be something like a banshee but in the water. 

Jake signaled to land, and they did. As soon as they landed. People who had a much lighter blue than the Omatikaya, surrounded them almost immediately. But only one caught Neteyam's eye. The boy was taller than Neteyam by a few inches. His hair was in a bun and his eyes were the color of the ocean, unlike Neteyam's who were as bright as the afternoon sun. 

The boy circled Neteyam and Lo'ak, who as standing right next to him. While the boy was circling. Lo'ak glanced over to the side to spot another. Neteyam stole a glance of Lo'ak staring at the girl and smirked. 

"Oooo~ I think someone has a crush~" Neteyam said jokingly. Lo'ak immediately looked away at his comment.  

The girl's name was Tsireya. Lo'ak soon found out after the Chief, Tonowari, welcomed them and gave them a hut to stay in. The same boy with the bun helped carry their stuff to their hut with Neteyam tailing behind him. Neteyam sped up his walk to be able to walk next to the boy. 

"My name is Neteyam, what's yours?" Neteyam asked with a friendly smile. The boy looked at him up and down, still walking. The boy started walking a bit faster but that didn't stop Neteyam from catching up. 

"Aonoung." the boy said. "Aonoung?" Neteyam repeated. Aonoung looked at him, surprised by the way he pronounced it with his forest accent. Aonoung simply nodded as they reached the sully's designated hut. Aonoung set down the stuff and left. Neteyam shrugged as he also set down the stuff. 

"We will start with diving as soon as you guys feel comfy. Please meet us at the beach nearest to your hut." Tsireya announced before leaving.  Neteyam looked over to Lo'ak who seemed he wanted to say something to Tsireya but didn't. Neteyam walked over to Lo'ak and pat his back jokingly. Lo'ak scoffed and gently nudged his arm off of his back. 

"Ok everyone. I want you all to be on your best behavior. We were lucky that the Olo'eyktan was kind enough to let us stay here. I don't want anyone to be causing trouble here understand?" Jake said as he knelt down as the others did too. Everyone nodded in unison. "Ok, now go learn how to dive." Jake pointed out of the hut. Lo'ak, Neteyam, Kiri all went ahead except for the youngest. 

"Tuk? Why don't you go join the others?" Neytiri asked as she knelt down to her eye level. Tuk slowly raised her head and had a frown on her face. 

"I don't like it here. I want to go home!" Tuk cried. Tuk fidgeted with her fingers as memories of the forest and her grandmother flashed through her brain. 

"It's ok Tuk, everything will be alright as soon as it can. Can you now join the others in diving?" Neytiri asked while putting her hands on her shoulders gently. Tuk nodded and stumbled over to where the others were at. Tuk stumbled into Neteyam's waist and hugged it tight. Neteyam was jolted back, surprised of the force that jumped itself onto his waist/leg. Neteyam put a arm on Tuk's back and patted it gently, making her listen to Tsireya instruct. 

"We will just be doing diving and swimming for now, but later, right before dinner, we will learn how to properly breathe underwater. Is that alright for everyone?" Tsireya asked while making her over brother step forward, right next to her. 

Everyone nodded but Lo'ak was the only one who said; "Yes!" in a very impatient tone. Neteyam laughed, Tuk did too. Kiri gave an eye roll to their immaturity. 

"Alright let's dive!" Tsireya dived in first with Roxto and Aonoung by her side. The rest followed shortly after. Neteyam tried to copy their form of diving but only ended up like a cat jumping into water. The others did too. 

Neteyam tried to keep up with Tsireya, Roxto, and Aonoung, but they were far too fast for them. Tuk was too, as well as Lo'ak. When they was getting far to away, Neteyam, Tuk, and Lo'ak burst through the surface, unable to keep up. Soon after, Tsireya and the others surfaced too. 

"You guys are too fast! Wait for us!" Tuk exclaimed while rubbing her eye. Lo'ak nodded in agreement. Neteyam silently agreed as he felt eyes on him. Aonoung. Neteyam pretend to not notice his gaze. 

"Maybe let's start working on breathing." Tsireya suggested. 

"but what about Kiri? Where is Kiri?" Roxto asked in a impatient voice. Aonoung looked confused. 

"Who?" Aonoung asked.

"I'll go search for her." Tsireya said. "Aonoung and Roxto, you too take the others to the surface and wait for me." And with that, Tsireya dove down, searching for Kiri. 

Roxto was helping Kiri with the breathing technique while Tsireya was helping Lo'ak who was too nervous to concentrate. Which leaves Aonoung helping Neteyam. Although, Neteyam pretty much mastered it and decided to take a break. 

"What do you do for fun here Aonoung?" Neteyam asked. Looking over at Aonoung who was leaning on a small palm tree. Aonoung looked at him a sighed. 

"We get to fish, weave baskets, and ride our ilu's." Aonoung said, straight to the point. Neteyam gave an "o" shaped mouth. 

"Will we get to learn how to ride an ilu? And weave baskets? And do everything that is fun on this island?" Neteyam asked in an exciting tone.

"Are you seriously focusing on all the fun things to do on this island? You came to our island because you were seeking safety from the sky people, or whatever they're called. Aren't you worried that your whole family's going to..blow up or something?!" Aonoung asked, squatting down with Neteyam who was sitting. 

"Well...I guess. But I don't really need to worry. I already have so much. Why would I need to worry?" Neteyam protested, still giving a polite smile while looking at his siblings. Aonoung scoffed in disbelief. 

"Aren't you worried about the future and what terrible or good things would happen?" Aonoung asked. Neteyam looked at him, straight in the eye and shrugged. 

"I don't need to. My future is right here. With me and my family. I don't need to worry about anything else." Neteyam glanced over at Lo'ak who was still struggling and Kiri, still working hard to master the breathing technique. Tuk, who was playing on the sand, in the shallow part of the water. Aonoung looked at what he saw. 

"How could this...this...Skxawng not worry! Not worry about the future!" Aonoung thought with a disapproving look on his face. 

"Why? What do you worry about?" Neteyam asked, moving his gaze from his siblings to Aonoung. Aonoug stayed silent and moved away from Neteyam, off of the beach and headed towards his hut. Neteyam just stayed, wanting to follow him, but didn't. 

(Tuk Swimming) 

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(Tuk Swimming) 

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