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Aonung's POV: 

(just added bit more details from last chapter into this one, to make it a bit more clear)

After the incident on the beach with Neteyam, Aonung was starting to think that he should listen to his father about 'the' decision. Aonung started thinking that every minute that he doesn't make up his mind, someone gets hurt. Like what happened with Lo'ak. Aonung's anger got the best of him. Aonung sighed in defeat and walked over to his hut where his father was. 

Tonowari was sitting on the floor with Ronal by his side. They were talking about something. Aonung didn't care to listen and walked in and started talking immediately. 

"I made a decision. I will start the training and spend some time with Hayeni." Aonung announced to Tonowari. Tonowari gave a nod and stood up, walked over to Aonung. Tonowari gave him a pat on the shoulder. 

"We start training tomorrow." Tonowari said. He then proceeded to walk out of the hut to meet with Hayeni's parents. Ronal was quiet but started to walk over to Aonung.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" Ronal asked in concern. Aonung sighed and nodded. "This is for the best" Aonung thought. Ronal closed her eyes in understanding and walked out to follow Tonowari. Aonung looked over at her before walking back to his hammock to get some rest.

Tomorrow was going to be a day. 

(The next morning)

(Takes place during Neteyam's POV from last chapter) Still Aonung's POV

Tonowari instructed Aonung to spend some quality time with Hayeni. to get to know her better. Aonung agreed and the two met on the beach, during sunset. The first time Aonung saw her, he did admit that she was beautiful, but she wasn't Neteyam. 

Hayeni gave him a smile and held his hand. Aonung followed. As Tonowari had hoped, the two got to know each other better than before. 

Hayeni liked hunting and adventures, Aonung liked weaving and having fun with his Ilu. When the sun was almost completely down, Aonung and Hayeni held hands once again and gave each other a hug. 

Aonung's ears perked up. Aonung thought he heard something in the bushed but payed no mind to it. He needed to focus on training and becoming Olo'eyktan one day. The two made a decision to meet again tomorrow at dawn, so they dispersed. Each going to their own huts to rest. 

Aonung walked along the path to his hut when he heard Neytiri's voice, on the other side. She was comforting someone. Aonung wanted to know so he peered over to them and saw Neteyam. Tuk holding his hand. He was crying.

"Why? What happened?" Aonung thought to himself. He wanted to see if he was okay but they already left. Probably to their huts. Aonung did too. Aonung huddled up in his hammock, half of his head was thinking to check on Neteym and the other was urging him to rest for tomorrow. He only listened to one, so with that, he fell asleep. 

Neteyam POV: (the next day)

Neteyam woke up against his will. Eyes being forced open by two hands. Neteyam was still drowsy, half asleep. His eyes felt dead. His eyelids felt unbelievably heavy. Neteyam got out of his state of mind and opened his eyes on his own this time. In front of him was his brother, Lo'ak. 

"Neteyam? Your finally awake! You've been sleeping till noon!" Lo'ak tried to pull him out of his hammock but he wouldn't budge. Neteyam grumbled and turned to face the wall, away from Lo'ak. Lo'ak frowned in disapproval.

"Mom! Neteyam's not listening to me!" Lo'ak shouted to the main room in the hut. Neytiri and Jake soon came into the room.

"Well that's surprising, Neteyam always listens to you." Jake said, half joking. Neytiri gave him a disapproving look. "Lo'ak, go get Neteyam some food, he hasn't eaten all day." Neytiri ordered. Lo'ak groaned his annoyance and went to get some food. 

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