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Aonung POV: 

Aonung woke when the sun was high, not low. The morning sun has already been turned Into one of the afternoon. His eyes fluttered open, last night to him was fuzzy. 

"Why didn't anyone wake me up?" Aonung wondered. He got up from his hammock and started walking to the main part of the hut. That's when he heard voices. Ronal and Tonowari. Their voices were muffled, but Aonung could still hear some parts. Those parts were the ones that struck him right where it hurt the most. 

"Aonung...Chief...not ready...ready...mate...training...train...isolate...no...contact..." Aonung hid behind the wall from the room. Back leaning onto the wall, las slightly bended, Aonung's eyes were half way closed, listening very carefully. After a couple of minutes, Aonung was done listening. He was to pretend he didn't hear the whole conversation and just walk out like any other day. That's just what he did...except for the walking out part. 

"Aonung? Your awake? Can you come here, your father and I would like to speak with you." Ronal said, gesturing for Ronal to sit by her. Aonung mentally groaned and sat down next to his mother. Tonowari crouched, making eye contact with Aonung. Aonung returned it. 

"Son, we would like to talk to you about something." Tonowari paused to divert his attention to Ronal who was already looking at Tonowari. "Its about you future about being chief." Tonowari continued. Aonung just sat there, ready for anything. 

"We think it's time for you to get more...advanced training than before. The newcomers have took a toll on your training. Especially since you have been spending more time with Jake's boy." Aonung's back straightened, not breaking eye contact with his father. 

"And to also make some more friends. to that Roxto isn't a good one. He just isn't, a higher ranking member. This also brings us to our next situation. We also think it's time for you to find...a mate." Tonowari concluded. He broke eye contact with his son and looked to the floor, then looking back up to find Aonung also looking to the floor. 

Aonung knew there would be a time for this but he never knew that it was to happen so soon. Aonung's throat felt dry. He didn't want to find a mate, not now at least. He wanted to train more before actually choosing. He didn't know any other people, excluding the sully's, Roxto, and the rest of his family. Aonung opened his mouth to say something, but his father beat him to it. 

"Before you say anything, we have already found someone that would be suitable for you. Her name is Hayeni. She is the daughter of one of our close friends. She is strong and seems to be pretty good at hunting, weaving, and knows a lot about plants, as well as animals. You must see the potential right? my son?" Tonowari added. 

Aonung felt like he was on the edge of a cliff, just barely holding himself up. Not sure if he should pull himself up or follow what gravity tells him to.

"...I would also like to say that I have found new friends for you. Ones from a higher rank that...well, others. We think it is also better to make friends from our tribe so you wouldn't feel much attachments to...um others when they leave." Tonowari finaled. 

Aonung's hands formed into fists. He could feel his blood boiling. Like a volcano that was ready to burst into pouring, hot lava. Aonung stood up, with an angry look on his face. 

"Don't talk about Roxto like that! Or Neteyam. I can make my own choices. Wether if I want to find a mate right now. I don't even know who this 'Hayeni' is! I can make my own friends. I don't need someone else to make all of my choices for me. I can make up these decisions. I can decide. I can choose who I want to be as my mate. I can do all of these things by myself!" Aonung felt like the volcano just blew. Thousands of bits of rocks, lava, has fallen onto the floor. He felt like he pulled himself up from the cliff. But now, the lava has dried up, but he could still feel the raging fire. 

Aonung stormed out the hut without looking back. He was angry, just downright angry. He wanted to scream, yell or even hit something. Anything! That's when he saw one of the sully's, face down in the water. Aonung didn't know what he was doing. He couldn't think. He couldn't control what he was doing. 

The moments seemed to be flying by. Aonung and a few others started making fun of Kiri. Lo'ak and Neteyam told them to back off. But instead started a fight. Aonung didn't know what he was doing. He left Lo'ak outside the reef, beyond the boundaries. Before he knew it, he was dragged by Neteyam. To the sully's hut. 

"Tell them what you told me!" Neteyam yelled, while still pulling my hair. I explained everything. Not my conversation with my parents the morning before, but what happened with Lo'ak. 

Everyone searched for Lo'ak, day and night, especially Neteyam and his family. I didn't know what I was doing. I didn't know what I did, what I was thinking. I was walking down the beach, it was dark, and yet people were still searching. I then heard muffled noises behind the boulder a few feet ahead of me. 

"Neteyam you need to rest...have already searched day and night...sleep, rest" It sounded like Neytiri, trying to get Neteyam to rest. After Neytiri left to ago continue the search, I walked to the boulder and peered to see Neteyam, just sitting there. Eyes full of worry. his golden sun eyes seemed to have dimmed a little. Aonung wasn't sure if that was just the darkness. Aonung sighed and walked up to Neteyam and sat down. Not sure if he was welcome or not. Neteyam glanced at him and then looked back down. Aonung took a breath before talking. 

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't know what I was doing. I wasn't thinking. I didn't know that this was going to happen." Aonung apologized sincerely. Neteyam looked at him, and gave a slight nod. Aonugn felt that Neteyam was drifting off to sleep. He noticed that Neteyam's head was slightly leaning forward a bit more than it had before. Aonung used his hand to gently move Neteyam's head onto his shoulder, as a support. 

"Rest, you have searched far too long. We will continue tomorrow." Aonung said, in a soft tone. Neteyam grumbled in response. 

"You sound like my mom..." Neteyam mumbled. Aonung chuckled slightly and leaned back on to the rock behind him, Neteyam still resting on his shoulder, sound asleep. Aonung didn't want to move. He didn't want to wake the sleepy boy up. He just silently prayed to Eywa that Lo'ak would return safely. He did, the very next day. 


Aonung has apologized to Lo'ak for everything. Lo'ak just smiled and accepted it. Neteyam gave Lo'ak a slight hug, no words were exchanged but Aonung knew what they were saying to each other. 

Aonung apologized again to Neteyam. Neteyam just smiled and laughed a bit. "I already know. No need to apologize Aonung." Aonung smiled

"Want to go for a swim?" Aonung asked, gesturing towards the water. Neteyam smiled. 



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