"Epic Sleepover!"

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It was a tragedy test tube was eliminated, she had the brains and ability most of the other remaining contestants didn't, perhaps thats why she was voted.
After she went through the elimination portal, (which, was quite an odd experience) she found herself in the living room that doubled as a lobby at Hotel Oj. Some others were there, and as soon as they'd noticed her, they made faces that could only mean, 'Great, another one.' She tried to ignore the stares from the people she didn't know, like, the bomb- or the pickle. She began slowly wandering around, feeling slightly nervous.

Did she look stupid right now? Were they judging her?

Suddenly, she bumped into something. No, not something- someone. A familiar face...
"Oh! Test tube! It's just you... are you lost? This place is definitely bigger on the inside right? You took a while to get through that portal, by the way.."
Fan. It was fan.
"Ahah- uh- yeah.. you've been eliminated before though- so do you know where I'm- uhm... supposed to.. go?" She asked quietly.

"Oh right, yeah- I think, I share a room with paintbrush and I don't think there's anyone in the room next to us- so I guess you could stay in there. Or I mean, if paintbrush doesn't mind.. you could just stay in our room for the time being.. you'd probably be lonely in there right??"

Share a room? Test tube really considered for a moment.
Share a room with fan and paintbrush? She stood awkwardly for a moment before answering,
"Uhmm, I'll look at the room beside... I'll decide then."
Fan gave a quick nod before pulling Test tube along to the elevator at the back of the room. He pressed the call button and waited patiently.
Unlike Test tube, who was constantly fidgeting with her hands. She didn't know why she felt so nervous- was it getting eliminated? Being new to the hotel? Barely knowing anyone? Not having her equipment with her?? She had a lot of questions to ask Oj aswell- about the hotel and her science stuff.

Soon enough, the elevator doors opened and Fan stepped inside, Test tube remained still for a moment, contemplating about actually going in or not, but then deciding to walk inside herself. The elevator doors closed once again and the elevator started to go up slowly, and strange music started to play.

The air felt heavy, and everything felt extremely awkward. Test tube felt she should try lighten the mood before the atmosphere suffocates her.

"Uhm.. strange how Oj put in elevator music, right? It's kind of silly, really..."
She mumbled. Fan's response was immediate, "Right?! No one agrees with me on that, but the song is soo basic, you think winning one million dollars, you'd atleast be able to afford better elevator music."
Good, a conversation!
"Yeah! I mean.. it's kind of strange that it's classical elevator music, and not something a little more.. original."
"Exactly!! At least someone in here shares the opinion with me, Oj should definitely put in better music, I stand by that."
Test tube started to laugh a little - "As you should- I mean, it's the same elevator music that's in pretty much every movie ever."

"I KNOW! I've already told him it should be changed- but he says that 'it's fine' and, 'no one else minds', but secretly, I know they do. There's no way everyone actually DOESN'T mind sitting through that EVERY time they want to go to a different floor",
"Wait- there's no stairs..??",
"Nope, Oj doesn't see the point- for some reason."
The elevator doors abruptly opened once again, and test tube let out a breath of relief- no more head-drilling elevator music, at last.
Fan apparently thought the same, but expressed his thoughts out loud instead. "Finally, I couldn't sit through another repeat of that- I'm surprised no one here has gone mad yet!",
"Aha- right." And as soon as it started- the heavy air was back as they walked through the hallway to Test tube's soon to be room. Eventually, after what felt like forever, they arrived and Fan opened the door.
"Yeah, this should be it- I'll ask Oj just to make sure- but this room looks.. free. I'd say you could stay here tonight, at least."
Test tube slowly walked into the room and looked around a little, before Fan spoke up again. "But if you want.. if paintbrush agrees... you can stay with us."

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