part 9: New Mass murderer Mission

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Boop now let's just get onto the story skipping any updates or news

(name) & eren's pov

*(name) is spooning with Eren as you two sleep and both your phone's go off and you both wake up*

(Name):*turns her phone off*
Eren:*yawns* good morning (name)
(Name):good morning Eren
Belle The cat:*runs into the room with Mikey the dog and they both jump on the bed*
Mickey the dog:*barks really loud and licks you and Eren's face and jumps off dragging the covers off you*
(Name): Ugh.....Mikey.......I'm still sleepy
Eren: *smiles at you and gets Mikey and Belle of the bed* (the animals may have different names sorry but I can't remember what they where) we have to wake up anyway (Name) we have work and you know Mikasa if where late she's drag us there by force........*sighs* she gets on my nerves sometimes.....
(Name): -3- you and Mikasa are my two biggest reasons for headaches but I love you both Mikasa as a sister of course
Eren: ^-^

[At work 35 minutes later (you and your daily routine reader took 25 minutes -_-]

Levi: Hey what's up brats Erwin needs for some stupid reason
(Name): Oh come on you big tsudere when are you gonna loose the cold act and show your dere side?
Levi: *gives you a death glare* just go see Erwin already *leaves*
(Name): Hmhp.......YOU TSUDERE!!
Levi: *turns and looks at you*
Eren: um....I don't think it's a good idea to piss of the Captian.......*Grabs your hand and runs off the Erwin's office*
(Name): Scared much?
Eren: *doesn't answer and keeps running*
(Name) [Oh yeah.....I forgot.....Levi once beat the Crap out of Eren once.......I'd be scared of Levi too if I was Eren and also wouldn't want to get on his bad side.....Levi's still a Tsudere though]

[At Erwin's office]

Eren: *knocks on the door*
Erwin: I've been expecting you Mr.Jaeger and Ms.(Last name) you may enter
Eren: *opens the door* thank you and not to be rude but Eren is fine
(Name): Same (Name) is fine for me as well
Erwin: Alright then please sit this may take a while
Eren & (Name): *sits down on the on the other sit of Erwin*
Erwin: as you know there's been a mass murderer on the loose and we've been doing all we can to find this person I've been really open to any suggestions lately and since you two are the most capable of gathering information I need you to undercover for a while and see if you can find out anything you can for me
(Name): Alright sir where on it
Eren: Have any idea where to start?
Erwin: unfortunately no this person doesn't just kill in one area said person been all over town if you want I can tell you all the areas where it's victims where and all there information
Eren: that would be very appreciated sir
Erwin: Alright then *opens a file drawer that's under his desk (you may want to remeber some of this cause there will be a point in time I might ask the audience some questions for the next part or three) And putts out a file that says "Titan killer information" *
(Name): [Titan killer? What's up with that?]
Erwin: this file also has information about the killer but we only have so much limited information sorry to say but this may take a long time and even might require to leave town to look for this person I thank you in advance for doing all this and finding this person I also thank you for taking on such a mission that most here have turned down due to all the traveling that is needed
Eren: Anything to help with this sir *takes the file and holds onto it*
(Name): *stands up* we'll be taking our leave now thanks for the job [if this is the same person who killed my family I swear I'll ring out ever bit of information from it and make him suffer......the same way I suffered and was left alone For so many years] let's go Eren *leaves*
Eren: Oh alright I'm coming *stands up and is about to leave*
Erwin: Eren just a moment what's up with (Name) she seemed uneasy for a second is everything alright? *stands up*
Eren: she's just still going on about how a mass murder killed her family a long time ago but other than that she should be alright
Erwin: *nods* Alright then
Eren: Good day sir
Erwin: same to you
Eren: *leaves*

[Maria police station: Investigation room #3 11:36 Pm]
Victim #1: Flora Gardens
Age: 14 possibly 15
Occupation: Student
Eye color: Unknow from stab wounds straight to the eyes
Hair color: Red
Height: 5' 2''
Weight: 120 pounds
Injuries: Eyes have been stabbed severely, Neck has been slit, Stab wound found in the stomach and goes as deep as about half way heading to her back, Ear has been cut clean off
Information: Flora Gardens is the top student in her class and the most popular there as well rumor has it she would do drugs behind the school [DONT DO DRUGS STAY IN SCHOOL BE SMART AND THIS IS ONLY FOR THE STORY NONE OF THIS IS FROM REAL PEOPLE......I hope not at least O -O] and was an only child
Sight of death: Behind her school next to Daisy's
And that's it for flora it ends there

Eren: I still need more information on other victims before I can put anything together (Name) please keep going

(Name): *nods* Alright then Ahem

Vitcim #4: Andrew Gald
Age: 3
Occupation: Training to be the next to keep watch over the family shrine
Eye color: unusual-Purple
Hair color: Unusual-blue
Height: 3'
Weight: 57 pounds
Injuries: Arm has been cut clean off,bullet wound found in skull
Information: Andrew was the youngest of 10 children but smart for his age was home schooled early and learned to take care of him self but how ever Andrew was a very Hard child to Handle and was very picky over everything
Sight of death: ParPar Park with roses near by
Shall I keep going?

Eren: [a three year old and a fourteen year student and a shrine keeper in training..........only child and youngest of 10......both smart.....drug addict and a little brat......Behind a school and a public park........what's the connection?] Yes please keep going

Vitcim #2: Gertrude Hernandez
Age: 37
Eye color: unusual-Red
Hair color: Blonde
Occupation: hospital Secretary
Height: 5' 6''
Weight: 136 lbs
Injuries: Was poisoned and had thrown up A lot of blood
Information: Gertrude was a very caring person and was a huge secret keeper, secretly was a stripper for 7 months, and a mother of 10 one was taken away by his father and last name was changed to Gald at a young age Gertrude has gone to jail for breaking and entering along with stealing items of high value
Sight if death: at home burried under some Lavender flowers

Cuuuuuuuuut!!! Sorry I need you guys to....kinda help me out here and please answer some questions please I won't ask a lot I promise

1.Do the Flowers have anything to do with The killer's real occupation? or is said person just being paying respect for their deaths?

2. Does anything connect to the 3 victims that where previously said above?

3.Do you guys except:
D. Petra (whaaaaat~ what's she doing here!?!?! Though I got rid of her once and for- Ahem nothing was said!)
E. Mikasa
To be the killer?

That's all my questions anyway if you like this part please vote it and I'm open to any suggestions for the next part anyway thanks for reading if you sneezed while reading bless you! if it's your birthday Happy birthday! And that's all have a good day and I shall next time bye-bye

And I'm out!

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