Chapter 22: finding out

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Ginny looked at me with a grin and I just gave her a "shut up" look. She suddenly pointed at my neck and pulled me closer and whispered: " You have a hickey y/n." I ran to my dorm to check in the mirror and saw I had even more hickey's .

I ran out, into the hallway straight to Draco's dorm. I slammed open the door, pinned him on his bed and said: " Look at all the hickey's you gave me!" While showing my neck. He just smirked and said: " good, now everyone can see you are mine."

I let go of him and stood up ready to walk out when all of the sudden he grabbed me and kissed my neck again, giving me another hickey. When he stopped he said: "I found a spot without a kiss."

I turned around and whispered in his ear: "I have more places for hickey's you know." I walked away letting him stand there as red as a tomato. When I got back to the gryffindor common room Ron asked: "What happened to your neck and arms? Did someone hurt you?"

I didn't say a word and just stared at him. I saw him puzzle in his head and suddenly Harry yelled: " ARE YOU DATING SOMEONE?!" " OH OH." Hermione said knowing who it was. Ron still didn't know who it was but Harry and Hermione did.

We all looked at him with a grin. Suddenly the door opened and Draco peeked in and said: "Y/n you dropped my... I mean your ring." He handed me the ring and left. Ron still looked puzzled until we gave him a " Are you serious?" Look.

He suddenly yelled: "YOU ARE DATING MALFOY?!" "SSSTTT RON." I said trying to make him shut up. Ginny started laughing because she already knew about Draco and me. "What are you laughing about?" Ron said.

"Oh it's just funny how I knew before you guys did." She said. They all turned to me with an angry look. I ran out into the hallway bumping into Draco. "Missed me darling?" He said with a grin.

"You have to hide me Draco!" I said looking back to see if they had caught up with me. "What, why. What's going on y/n?" He asked . "I have no time to explain just help me hide I said kind of laughing.

He took my hand and we started running through the hallways onto the stairs. Before I could step onto the stairs Draco was on they started shifting and I got to a different door than Draco. I looked at him but he signed me to get off so I did.

I saw that the door was locked. weird.... I was gonna use a spell to opened it but I saw Draco trying to sign me something again but I didn't understand. I saw he was still waving me over but i decided to prank him.

I called my broom without him knowing and saw it thru the open window in the wall. I stepped on the railing of the stairs, and jumped. He looked shocked and started yelling but seconds later I flew up to him on my broom and said grinning: "You really do care for me don't you big boy?"

Love of my life ( Draco x y/n )Where stories live. Discover now