Chapter 31: french

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Cedric and I walked to the Gryffindor common room and he kissed me on my head and said: "Good night princess." I liked it when he called me princess. I walked inside and saw that only Fred was sitting there.

"Oh hey Fred." I said sitting next to him. "Hello there y/n." He said with a smile. "Where is everyone?" I asked while looking around. "They are all asleep y/n, it's 3am." He said. "Oh I didn't check the time." I said laughing a little bit. "Well im going to sleep now, good night Fred." I said with a smile.

I walked inside my dorm and saw that Hermione was asleep. I put on my pajama and when to bed thinking about Cedric and how sweet he is.

When I woke up I saw that Hermione was already out of her bed. I got dressed and walked into the common room. I saw Ron, Harry and Hermione sitting on the couch and when they saw me Harry asked: "where were you all night!" "I was in the library with Cedric and I forgot about the time." I said.

"Who reads so many books for fun!?" Ron laughed. "Well we also talked and uhm." I said with a smile. "You what!?" Harry said. "Well we also might have kissed." I said with a small smile. "Oh my god really?!" Hermione said.

"I just rolled my eyes and went to the grand hall wilt the rest. When we got there I sat down and of course Draco sat behind me, but I didn't care this time. I was just talking with everyone and I ate a small cup of soup.

I had to go to the bathroom so I excused myself and walked into the hallway. When I got out of the bathroom I saw Draco standing around the corner with something in his hands. He didn't see me when i walked around the corner he looked a bit startled.

"Are you following me?" I asked calmly. He said : " tu me manques mon amour mais j'espère que tu es heureuse maintenant." It meant : I miss you my love but I hope you are happy now. He didn't know I could speak French so I said: "tu me manques aussi mec furet." Which ment: I miss you too ferret boy.

He looked surprised but before he could say anything I walked back into the grand hall. I sat back down and we talked a bit. When we walked to D.A.D.A I saw Draco looking at me and when he wanted to sit down behind me Cedric quickly sat behind me. Draco sat down in the row behind Cedric looking mad.

I felt Cedric braid my hair in the middle of the lesson and I just pretended not to notice so Umbridge wouldn't get mad. I heard Draco scoff. I felt Cedric remove the braid again and when I turned around to look at him I saw Draco staring at me.

I just looked at Cedric and whispered: "Hello there pretty boy." He blushed a little and I saw Draco turn red. Good...

Love of my life ( Draco x y/n )Where stories live. Discover now